Tag Archives: lingual braces manchester

Lingual Braces Manchester -What Are They And How Do They Work

Lingual Braces Manchester -What Are They And How Do They Work?

As a patient looking for adult teeth straightening treatment you may already know about discreet forms of orthodontic treatment such as Invisalign Manchester or the Inman aligner. Manchester clinics, however, will have a large selection of orthodontic treatments at their disposal based on the needs and requirements of the dental patient, and this includes lingual braces Manchester. But what exactly are they and how do they work? Let’s take a closer look.

Lingual braces – A great aesthetic solution

Often there are many reasons why a patient can’t have ‘aligner’ style braces such as Invisalign. However just because they’ve decided to opt for more conventional ‘bracket and wiring’ style orthodontic treatments, it doesn’t mean that they have to be attached to the front of your teeth. Instead there are some braces that do their work behind the teeth and these are called lingual braces. The term ‘lingual’ derives from the Latin ‘lingua’ meaning tongue, and unlike many other forms of brace system, including the Inman aligner Manchester, they offer a truly discreet form of orthodontic treatment. When a lingual brace wearer smiles, the recipient isn’t greeted by a mouth full of metal. In other words lingual brace systems offer the perfect aesthetic solution for those who would otherwise feel particularly self-conscious.

That’s all well and good, but how do they work?

Like most brace systems, small brackets are cemented to the teeth (in this case the back of the teeth) and a series of wires work in harmony to gently but continually put pressure on the teeth. Gradually over time (usually a period of 18-36 months – depending upon severity) the teeth are coaxed back into their correct position. Lingual braces can be used to correct all manner of dental problems including teeth overcrowding, over bites, crooked teeth, flared teeth, and even gapped teeth. Just like Invisalign, Manchester patients will find that their lingual braces will need to be custom made. Because of this they can be relatively costly and it’s fair to say that there are cheaper options on the market. However when it comes to discretion, lingual braces are about as discreet as bracket and wiring style braces get. For this reason they’re becoming more and more popular.

The other point to remember is that not all orthodontists offer lingual braces in Manchester because technical expertise is needed to properly fit them. For this reason you might have to do your homework and search for a dental practice that offers them. There are a wide variety of lingual braces available including Incognito braces, ibraces, In-Ovation, and STB Light lingual system, but the good news is that they all carry out the same job. It’s unlikely that your dentist will carry all of these makes and furthermore, there’s no evidence to support the fact that one particular brand is better than any other. However to ensure you get the very best out of your lingual braces Manchester, thorough brushing and flossing is key. The reason for this is that like all brace systems, food debris can get caught up in and around the brackets and if left, it can cause plaque to build up.

If you’re searching for a discreet orthodontic treatment and don’t want to opt for aligner style brace systems such as an Inman Aligner Manchester or Invisalign, Manchester patients really should consider lingual braces. To find out more about these, or indeed any other style of orthodontic treatment, why not book yourself a free, no obligation consultation with Shi Karim and the team. To make an appointment either visit our website at www.clsrbracesmanchester.co.uk or contact us directly on 0161 660 1218 and start the ball rolling towards bringing back your healthy happy smile.