Manchester Clear Braces – How Inman Aligners Work

Manchester Clear Braces – How Inman Aligners Work

If you’re curious about Inman aligner cost UK because you’d like to find out more about them, then you’ve come to the right place. At our smiles dental Manchester clinic we specialise in brace systems such as Inman aligners, so without further ado let’s take a closer look at everything you need to know about this particular type of brace.

Unlike other Manchester clear braces which tend to utilise teeth coloured wires and brackets, Inman aligners are simple removable appliances that are placed over the teeth like a mouth guard. Patients are expected to wear their aligners for 16-20 hours a day in order to achieve best results but are advised to remove them when eating of cleaning their teeth. Inman aligners are perfect for use either as a stand alone treatment or as a precursor to other dental cosmetic treatments. Their almost invisible nature makes them a very popular choice for those that don’t like the thought of wearing metallic style braces, and for this reason more adults are turning to brace systems such as these.

How exactly do they work?

The Inman aligner consists of a series of nickel titanium coil springs that power two aligner bows. These gently apply opposing forces to the teeth coaxing them into their correct position gradually. Because the aligners are constantly applying gentle pressure, they provide quick results.

What about Inman aligner cost in the UK?

As far as brace systems go Inman aligner treatment represents good value for money with prices starting from around £995. However the final costs does depend on the degree of treatment being carried out and the complexity of each individual case. Following a consultation at our Manchester clear braces clinic you’ll not only have a better indication of the costs involved but also the length of treatment time.

So how long does treatment take?

Inman Aligner treatment is what is known as an accelerated orthodontic process and because of this the time taken for completion falls somewhere between 6-18 weeks. The advantage of this is that patients can have a great looking smile quickly without having to wait 1-2 years as per standard brace treatments. However the disadvantage is that accelerated brace treatments deal with the straightening of the teeth only and don’t allow for further corrections such as root alignment and bite correction. Therefore for anyone needing more complex orthodontic treatments other forms of brace systems may be more appropriate.

So what’s involved?

After an initial consultation at our smiles dental clinic Manchester you’ll be asked to return so that we can take impressions of your mouth in order that your bespoke Inman Aligner can be made. This generally takes somewhere between two- three weeks after which you’ll be asked to return again for an initial fitting. At this point, we’ll also give you detailed instructions for use as well as providing you with information on what to expect. You’ll have to return to the clinic every 2-3 weeks so that the team can see how your teeth are progressing until the time comes to remove the aligner completely. This could be anything up to 4½ months.

Although when it comes to Inman Aligner cost, UK patients might deem it relatively expensive, the benefits that it brings, and the speed with which those results are achieved, is arguably well worth it. To find out whether Inman Aligners are for you, or to discuss other types of Manchester clear braces, then visit our Church Road dental clinic for a free, no-obligation consultation. To book yours today contact us directly on 0161 660 1218 or book via our website at