
Manchester Clear Braces Or Metal Braces – Which Is It To Be?

Metal braces in Manchester, Manchester clear braces, Invisalign, self-litigating brackets, or what about lingual braces? Nowadays there are so many orthodontic treatments to choose from it can become very confusing. Moreover how do you even choose, or should it be strictly up to your dentist? All these questions are very valid points, so when it comes to metal braces or clear fixed braces Manchester here are a few factors to take into consideration.

As a general rule of thumb the type of brace system you receive is down to a number of factors.

How much you’re willing to pay – This is obviously going to be a huge factor when ascertaining which brace system you want. A metal brace system for example will cost a lot less than types of clear braces systems such as Invisalign. As an adult, depending upon your circumstances, you can get metal brace systems fitted on the NHS for a small fee, whereas Manchester clear braces are only available privately. However, you do then have a wide range of choice depending upon budget of course.

The severity of your problem – The benefit of a metal style brace system is that it can rectify just about any orthodontic problem. From bite alignment to root straightening and of course teeth straightening, metal braces given time, should be able to fix it. Conversely, some clear brace systems such as Six Month Smiles, C-Fast, or Inman aligners, concentrate solely on the aesthetics of straightening the teeth that you can see (usually the upper/lower front teeth) and won’t be able to fix bite alignment, root straightening, or any other underlying issues you may or may not have.

How you look – There’s no getting away from the fact that even though metal style braces in Manchester are more lightweight and comfortable than their train-track style predecessors, they’re still pretty visible when you smile or talk. If you’re comfortable with this then it may not be such of an issue, but for those who feel a little self-conscious, then you might prefer clear fixed braces. Manchester patients are spoiled for choice with Invisalign, lingual braces, Inman Aligners and ceramic tooth coloured braces, all offering a more discreet (and in some cases almost invisible) solution.

Speed of treatment – The one factor that tends to put many people off from undergoing orthodontic treatments is that they aren’t a quick fix solution. Often taking anywhere between 1-3 years to complete, the thought of having to wear any kind of brace for that length of time can be a daunting prospect. That said, certain clear fixed braces in Manchester treatments offer an accelerated process. Treatments such as C-Fast, Six Month Smiles, and Inman Aligners, take around six months or less to complete. However there is a caveat in that because of the speed of the process, they tend to fix the appearance of a smile only, and as stated earlier can’t fix any underlying orthodontic issues. If you’re only concerned about the aesthetics of a great looking smile then you might want to opt for these type of treatments. However for those looking for an overall fix, then they should opt for either metal or ceramic style braces, or clear brace treatments that treat a variety of orthodontic problems, such as Invisalign or lingual braces.

As you can see, deciding whether to choose metal style braces or Manchester clear braces is based on a number of underlying factors, and these all need to be considered before both you and your orthodontist make a final choice.

To find out more about orthodontic treatments involving clear fixed braces Manchester then contact Shi Karim and the team for a free, no-obligation consultation. Here we’ll discuss your dental requirements and go through your options with you to determine the right braces in Manchester for you. To make an appointment either visit our website at or alternatively you can contact us directly by calling 0161 660 1218 today.