Tag Archives: orthodontic braces in manchester

Orthodontics Manchester – How Do Braces Straighten Teeth?

Orthodontic Braces In Manchester – What Are The Various Types?

Few people are fortunate enough to be born with perfect teeth so orthodontic treatment such as Manchester Invisalign or lingual braces Manchester can help to restore a less than perfect smile. The good news for many adults is that braces in Manchester have moved on since the days of their childhood and now there are a wide variety available. In this post we’re going to give a quick overview and explanation of the various types.

Metallic or traditional braces

Most of us remember the heavy metallic ‘train track’ braces that many of us wore as children and this is probably the image that springs to mind when the words ‘orthodontic braces’ are mentioned. Fortunately modern day metallic braces are smaller, lighter, and more discreet than their predecessors. In addition new heat activated arch-wires use body heat to shift teeth quickly and less painfully than older systems.

Pros – They’re the least expensive type of brace and they’re available on the NHS making them extremely cost effective. What’s more they can come with customisable coloured bands, so for children or adults that want to express themselves, conventional metal style braces in Manchester offer the perfect opportunity.

Cons – Despite the fact that they’re lighter and smaller, they’re still the most noticeable type of brace.

Ceramic braces

Manufactured in exactly the same style as metallic braces using a series of brackets and wiring,  ceramic braces utilise clear brackets and tooth-coloured wiring in order to make them less visible than conventional braces.

Pros – Similarly to lingual braces, Manchester patients will be pleased to know that they’re ideal for those who aren’t at all confident about wearing braces and therefore don’t want them to be particularly noticeable. In addition they can also move teeth faster than other types of brace.

Cons – They are more expensive than conventional metal braces and in addition the tooth coloured brackets are prone to staining if not taken care of, thus affecting their ability to be discreet.

Lingual Braces

The main difference about lingual braces Manchester as opposed to any other form of bracket and wire brace system is that they’re secured to the back of the teeth rather than the front.

Pros – Lingual braces are completely invisible from the front so wearers can smile with confidence.

Cons –  They’re more expensive than many other forms of orthodontic treatments and because they’re fastened to the rear of your teeth, they can take a bit of getting used to. Regular adjustments made at the dentist can also be more complex than with traditional braces. In addition, they’re not always appropriate for severe orthodontic cases.


This type of orthodontic treatment is about as far removed from other brace systems as you can possibly get in Manchester. Invisalign consists of a series of custom made aligners known as trays that are worn over the teeth like a clear gum shield. They’re designed to be removable when eating and cleaning the teeth. Each aligner is taken out and the next one in the series inserted every two weeks throughout treatment.

Pros – They’re about as invisible and discreet as orthodontic treatments get. As they’re removed and inserted by the patient at home they involve less visits to the dentist. Instead progress check-ups usually take place every 6 weeks. They can also be used to treat a wide variety of orthodontic problems.

Cons – Because each aligner has to be specially made to suit a patient’s requirements they don’t come cheap. As such they’re one of the most expensive treatments available. Because they’re fashioned from a clear light acrylic they’re also hard to spot when put down (similar to a contact lens) so they can be easily lost and therefore costly to replace. They also need to be regularly cleaned in a solution to avoid unsightly staining.

So there you have it! The various types of braces in Manchester and their pros and cons.

Remember, if you’re considering orthodontic treatment, whether that involves Manchester Invisalign or lingual braces, Manchester-based Church Road Dental and Cosmetics can help. To book yourself a consultation visit our website at www.clearbracesmancester.co.uk or contact us directly on 0161 660 1218.