Clear Braces Manchester Am I Too Old For Manchester Clear Braces

Am I Too Old For Manchester Clear Braces?

Clear braces Manchester are a far cry from the metallic brace systems of old that many of us wore through our teenage years. Because Manchester clear braces are far less prominent than the ‘train track’ style braces of old, adults are more willing to undergo some form of orthodontic treatment. However when it comes to age, it begs the question “are you ever too old to undergo orthodontic treatments such as Invisalign Manchester?” Let’s take a closer look.

Many adults are pleasantly surprised to find that orthodontic treatments have changed considerably in recent years and now patients can expect to wear braces that are smaller, lighter, less visible, and more comfortable. Patients who have conditions that can be treated with clear brace systems, no longer need to be concerned about how they look in braces.

So why would adults need to wear clear braces in Manchester?

Many adults have perfectly straight teeth when they are younger but as teeth are embedded into the jaw bone, the bone shape and density can change with age. This can affect the positioning of the teeth. For those who want to restore their great looking smile, orthodontic treatments are a good way to do this.

Are you ever too old to wear Manchester clear braces?

In a word no, however there are certain criteria that people should meet.

Firstly you need to have strong supporting facial structures including healthy bone. By healthy we mean bone tissue that’s plentiful and strong enough to be able to withstand the movement of the teeth over time.

Secondly to undergo treatments such as Invisalign Manchester, patients need to have a healthy mouth and this means healthy teeth and gums (eg, teeth that are free from decay and gum disease). So long as these criteria are in place, then to put it simply, you’re never too old for orthodontic treatments.

Some adults are under the impression that orthodontic treatments in older people are more painful because their bones and teeth have stopped developing and are therefore less flexible. This really isn’t the case. Clear brace systems are designed to place gentle but continual pressure on the teeth to ease them back into their correct position. Just like children and teenagers the only discomfort they might feel is for a day or so after the braces have been tightened or a new aligner has been placed.

Adult treatments may take slightly longer than children’s orthodontics. However this is often compensated by the fact that adults are generally more compliant and tend to follow the instructions of the orthodontist to the letter. Often this makes for a speedier treatment.

Whether you’re in your 30’s, 40’s, or 50’s, and want to bring back that great looking smile you once had then talk to us about Manchester clear braces. During a consultation our highly experienced team will discuss your clear braces Manchester options and from there you can make a fully informed dental decision about whether Invisalign Manchester, lingual braces, or tooth coloured ceramic braces, are best suited to your needs. Whatever you decide, one thing’s for sure. At the end of the treatment you’ll be a happier, more confident person with a fantastic smile.

For further information visit our website at or contact our experienced team on 0161 660 1218 today.