Clear Braces Manchester Invisible Braces Manchester – A Clear Way To A Great Smile

Invisible Braces Manchester – A Clear Way To A Great Smile

Clear braces offers Manchester residents a way to obtain a great looking smile without the need for a mouthful of unattractive wire and brackets. Instead invisible braces Manchester such as Inman aligners, lingual braces, and Invisalign braces Manchester offer a less conspicuous alternative which can enhance both self-esteem and physical confidence.

Treatable conditions for clear braces

While invisible braces might not be suitable for every tooth misalignment case they can be used to treat conditions such as an overbite, crooked or badly spaced teeth, and crowded teeth. They are mainly designed for use by adults and older teenagers because children and young teenagers, who either have their baby teeth or whose teeth are still developing, need the added security of metallic bracket style braces. In addition the clear aligner type such as Inman aligners and Invisalign braces are made primarily for the adult market because they need absolute and rigid cooperation for them to work. (The trays/aligners need to be worn for a minimum of 22 hours a day for the duration of the treatment)

Clear Braces Manchester types

Clear braces come in a wide variety of guises and are also known as cosmetic braces simply because, from an aesthetics standpoint, they’re more attractive. However let’s take a closer look at them individually.

Ceramic braces

This type of brace is very similar to the metallic style brace that we all know, except they use tooth coloured brackets and in some cases tooth coloured wiring. They’re non staining and blend in with your teeth making them less noticeable than their metallic counterparts.

Inside braces

These are even less conspicuous in that the brackets and wiring needed to straighten the teeth are attached to the back of the teeth rather than the front. Often known as lingual or I-braces they’re a good alternative for those who really don’t want people to know that they’re wearing braces in Manchester

Clear aligners

This type of braces is becoming more and more popular because they do away altogether with the traditional bracket and wiring that we associate with braces. Instead if we take Invisalign braces Manchester for example, they use a series of clear trays (otherwise known as aligners) which are placed directly over the teeth rather like gum shields. Instead of using tensioning wires, each individual tray in the series (and there may be as many as 48) is designed to move the teeth a certain amount until eventually, after a period of 12-24 months the teeth are straight. The downside is that they are more expensive than other forms of brace systems. However what this form of clear braces offers Manchester patients is a feeling of complete unobtrusiveness because as the name suggests, they’re made from clear plastic and are therefore virtually invisible. Also unlike other forms of clear or metallic style braces they’re removable, so they can easily be taken out when eating and brushing the teeth.

If you really do want to do something about your less than fantastic smile but don’t want to go down the conventional metal braces route then talk to us about Invisalign braces Manchester and other forms of clear braces Manchester. Why not book yourself a free, no-obligation consultation with Shi Karim and the team to discuss your options and enable you to make a fully informed dental decision. To book your appointment either visit our website at or contact us directly on 0161 660 1218