Tag Archives: braces

Manchester Clear Braces – The Pros and Cons of Going Lingual

Manchester Clear Braces – The Pros and Cons of Going Lingual

If you’ve seen lingual braces before and after pictures you’ll have an idea as to whether or not they’re the right orthodontic treatment for you. Although Manchester clear braces come in a wide variety of guises including 6 month smiles, Manchester lingual braces are different.

Unlike most other types of bracket and wiring orthodontic system, lingual braces are attached to the back of the teeth using smaller brackets. Because of this they have several advantages. Let’s take a closer look.

They’re discreet

For those looking for a more discreet form of orthodontic treatment then lingual braces are certainly that. Often called incognito, hidden or Secret Smile braces, they can’t be seen when the wearer smiles or eats. Even so called invisible brace systems such as Invisalign which are worn over the teeth like a gum shield, are noticeable if you look close enough, whereas a good set of lingual braces are completely hidden from view unless the wearer happens to physically show anyone.

They get fast results

Lingual braces are known as fast or accelerated brace systems meaning that they can fix problems such as moderately crowded or crooked front teeth in as little as six months. This is perfect for those looking for a quick-fix aesthetic way to restore their smile. At Church Road Dental and Cosmetics potential patients can also take a closer look at a wide selection of lingual braces before and after pictures to help them make an informed dental decision.

They help to protect the teeth

According to recent studies, when braces are attached to the back of the mouth they cause less damage to the teeth because they eradicate the problem of challenging brushing. Unlike conventional Manchester clear braces, teeth can be accessed far easier using a toothbrush and therefore the problems of plaque build-up don’t tend to occur, so long as the wearer maintains high standards of oral hygiene.

So those are the advantages, what about the disadvantages?

They take some getting used to

As lingual braces are attached to the back of the teeth they can get in the way of the tongue. Because of this, it can affect the person’s speech and there also might be some slight discomfort. However, discomfort generally tends to disappear within a few days and in addition, wearers find that they soon learn to annunciate properly as the tongue gets used to the positioning of the small brackets located at the back of the teeth.

Can’t solve every orthodontic problem

Unlike longer term orthodontic brace systems such as Invisalign, fast or accelerated treatments such as 6 month smiles Manchester, C-Fast, and lingual braces can’t solve more complex issues. Due to the time factor involved they tend to concentrate their efforts on straightening the front upper and lower teeth that are visible when the patient smiles. This is perfect for patients searching for a purely aesthetic solution, however for those with more complex orthodontic issues such as severe tooth overcrowding then accelerated treatments such as lingual braces aren’t ideal.

So there you have it, the pros and cons of going lingual!

If you’d like to find out more about the types of orthodontic treatments that can help you then come and speak to Church Road Dental and Cosmetics. We have a variety of Manchester clear braces for you to choose. Our experienced orthodontists will help to find the perfect solution for you. Whether that’s fast treatments such as 6 Month Smiles Manchester, or whether that’s lingual braces, before and after we guarantee that you’ll be able to notice the difference.

To book yourself a free, no-obligation consultation, visit our website at www.clearbracesmanchester.co.uk or alternatively contact us directly on 0161 660 1218. On behalf of Shi Karim and the team, we look forward to helping you achieve a great looking smile.

Cheap Clear Braces Manchester

Are Cheap Clear Braces Manchester worth the Money

If you’re looking to have straighter teeth without having to wear metal braces it doesn’t have to cost you a fortune. Instead you can opt for cheap clear braces. Manchester residents in need of orthodontic treatments might see ‘cheap’ as a distinct lack of quality, but is this really the case? Let’s take a closer look.

When it comes to braces, Manchester clear brace systems have advantages over their metal cousins in that they’re less visible and therefore more discreet. In some cases, orthodontic treatments such as lingual braces Manchester are worn on the inside of the teeth rather than the outside, while other brace systems do away with brackets and wiring altogether giving the wearer the feeling that they aren’t wearing braces at all. That said the latter type are considerably more expensive when compared to other alternatives.

The good news is that all types of cheap clear braces in Manchester do the job of straightening teeth, however some will do more than others. Therefore the price you pay often depends upon your needs. For example, if the treatment you want is purely for aesthetic reasons, then you might want to opt for fast or accelerated brace systems. Treatments such as C-fast, Six Month Smiles, and (to a certain extent) Inman Aligners, focus their efforts on straightening the upper and lower teeth that can be seen when you smile. These can in some cases be cheaper. Alternatively if you need more complex orthodontic treatments such as tooth root orientation and/or correction of an over/under bite, then you can still purchase cheaper systems such as lingual braces Manchester, but there are also more expensive long term systems such as Invisalign. Again it all depends on what you feel comfortable with wearing.

In essence if you’re searching for cheaper orthodontic braces Manchester and don’t want to wear metallic style braces then they can be found. However it can depend on the type of treatment you need. Unfortunately, under normal circumstances, non-metallic style braces can’t be purchased on the NHS which means that you will have to pay more privately if you want anything other than conventional metal braces. However they don’t necessarily have to cost you the earth.

So to answer the question “Are cheap clear braces Manchester worth it?” Provided you do some research and understand what they can do for your teeth and the type of brace you’d feel comfortable wearing, then yes, absolutely!

To find out more about lingual braces Manchester, or other forms of cheap braces Manchester why not contact us on 0161 660 1218 or visit our website at www.clearbracesmanchester.co.uk to arrange a consultation with our highly experienced orthodontics team. Shi Karim and the team are looking forward to helping you restore your great looking smile once and for all.

Orthodontist Manchester – Invisalign vs Lingual Braces

Smile Manchester Orthodontics – Braces or dental aligners?

If you’re looking for advice on smile Manchester orthodontics or proof of how orthodontics can help you such as Inman Aligner before and after pictures, then you’ve come to the right place. Here at Church Road Dental we have a highly skilled team who arguably offer some of the best orthodontic treatment around. So if you want to know what Invisalign offers Manchester patients or how lingual braces makes adult orthodontics more discreet, then we can help.

Of all the questions asked about orthodontic treatments, one of the most common is ‘Braces or aligners – which is best?’ So with this in mind we’re going to try to answer the question in this article.

According to the British Orthodontic Society just under 1 million people had orthodontic treatment last year and almost half of these were adults. Fortunately today’s orthodontics aren’t limited to those heavy metallic braces we all remember as children. Instead there are a wide variety of lighter, discreet braces and aligners which can all successfully straighten teeth.


There are several types of aligner such as the Inman Aligner and the Invisalign Aligner and one of the main advantages of the latter in particular is that invisalign offers manchester patients a form of  discreet orthodontic treatment that enables the person to go about their daily life with as little interruption as possible. Rather than using a series of brackets and wires to straighten teeth, Invisalign utilises a series of clear invisible aligners which are worn directly over teeth like a gum shield. Aligners are changed every few weeks until the teeth are straightened, although treatment can take up to 18 months to complete depending on circumstances. Unlike many types of brace systems, aligners are easily removable and are normally taken out when eating and brushing teeth.

Invisalign can cure pretty much any teeth problems whereas the Inman aligner is primarily used for straightening the visible front teeth that can be seen when you smile. For this reason the Inman aligner gives quick results with a typical treatment lasting 6-18 weeks. Hence when you visit an orthodontic website you’re likely to see a lot of Inman Aligner before and after pictures.

Brace systems

Unlike aligners, most brace systems tend to be fixed and therefore can’t be removed when eating or brushing. This can be an advantage as it removes the temptation to take them out for longer than you should. Like aligners brace systems can also be discreet, particularly the clear brace variety which are usually made from either ceramic and tooth coloured wiring, or a heavy duty clear plastic. Brace systems can also be either accelerated or long-term treatments. Similar to the Inman aligner, accelerated brace treatments such as C Fast, Six Month Smiles and Secret Smile tend to correct the aesthetics of a Manchester smile, rather than deal with more complex problems. This means that people requiring tooth root straightening and severe bite alignment will need longer term treatments.

As you can see, brace systems and aligners have their pros and cons. For example Invisalign offers Manchester patients the utmost discretion although this comes at a price because Invisalign isn’t a cheap treatment when compared to other brace systems. Brace systems offer speedy treatments but then again, so does the Inman Aligner. Before and after pictures for both types of treatments are also comparable. So where does that leave us?

Well, it really does all boil down to how you feel about wearing braces as a patient, the type of treatment you need, and indeed your budget. Ultimately if you’re looking for smile Manchester orthodontic advice and have been recommended braces by your dentist then come and have a chat with us. To make an appointment you can either visit our website at www.clearbracesmanchester.co.uk or contact us directly on 0161 660 1218

Orthodontics Manchester – What Are My Options

Orthodontics Manchester – What Are My Options?

If you’re in need of orthodontic treatments such as braces, Manchester residents can rest assured that there’s a treatment to suit their needs. In fact when it comes to orthodontics, Manchester based Church Road Dental and Cosmetics has a wide range of brace systems to deal with a variety of conditions including crooked teeth, teeth overcrowding, flared teeth and  even tooth gapping. In fact you could say that we’ve fast become your go to smile dentist Manchester.

So what options are available to you?

Depending upon your needs we have a brace system to suit. The good news is that braces are no longer solely the domain of young teenagers who wear them to help correct oral problems when their teeth are still growing. Nowadays more and more adults are turning to orthodontic treatments to solve their own oral issues such as malocclusions or crowded teeth, or simply to restore their great looking smile. As such they have a wide variety to choose from.

Metallic style braces

For those who feel comfortable about wearing braces, they can opt for the metallic style ‘bracket and wire’ braces that younger teens are often associated with. In terms of cost these are usually the least expensive and modern day metallic braces are a far cry from the heavy clunky braces of old. They’re used to correct a wide variety of issues such as those listed above and depending upon the needs of the individual, treatment can take anything from 1-3 years.

Clear braces

For those who like their orthodontics in Manchester a little more discreet, then a form of clear braces might be the answer. Many are made from plastic or ceramic and contain tooth coloured wiring, meaning they’re less noticeable than their stainless steel counterparts, hence the name. Within this category you have conventional brace systems (eg, those that correct not only the look of the teeth but the underlying physical qualities such as root alignment) and then you have accelerated brace systems. Both systems tend to cost more than their stainless steel cousins.

Accelerated or fast brace systems are ideal for those people who are concerned purely with the aesthetics of their smile (eg, the teeth themselves) and not the underlying factors such as bite and root alignment. They function in exactly the same way as other brace systems by gently coaxing the teeth into position over a period of time, except in this instance most are designed solely to correct the upper and lower front teeth only. This is why they’re classed as ‘fast’ or ‘accelerated’ treatments. Despite their limited capabilities, accelerated systems such as Inman aligners, C-Fast, and Secret Smiles are incredibly popular. On average treatment takes 3-6 months to complete and offers a quick fix solution to conventional braces in Manchester.

Lingual braces

Lingual braces work in exactly the same way as many other brace systems in that they push or pull the teeth into position by means of applying gentle force but the difference is that the brackets and wiring, which is usually located on the front of the teeth, is fixed to the back of the teeth. This means that they’re incredibly discreet to wear as none of the usual ‘brace signs’ are visible from the front.


If you want to get away from the ‘bracket and wiring’ style type of brace system altogether then you might want to opt for Invisalign. They’re considerably more expensive than most other orthodontics Manchester but when it comes to aesthetics they’re worth it. Consisting of a series of bespoke aligners they’re worn like clear gum shields over the teeth. Each aligner is different to the next and is designed to coax the teeth back into position by applying natural pressure. Treatment can take up to 18 months and patients can have around 36 aligners during that time. Invisalign brace systems can treat a whole host of orthodontic problems. In fact for a smile dentist Manchester, they offer a perfect all round solution that will appeal to many people.

To find out more about braces Manchester and what suits your needs then why not book yourself a consultation. At our orthodontics Manchester clinic Dr Shi Karim and the team will listen to your needs and suggest the perfect brace system to suit. To make an appointment visit our website at www.clearbracesmanchester.co.uk or contact us directly on  0161 660 1218 and let us help you bring back your great looking smile.