Clear Fixed Braces Manchester – How Do They Work?

Clear Fixed Braces Manchester – How Do They Work?

When we think of orthodontic treatment it usually conjures up visions of heavy metallic style brace systems that we remember as children. Clear fixed braces Manchester are far removed from this and instead offer adults the chance to wear discreet braces such as Invisalign braces Manchester to correct problematic teeth. In fact clear braces offers Manchester patients the chance to fix a wide variety of tooth related problems while the wearer goes about their normal daily life; but how do they work?

In essence all types of braces, whether they’re Inman Aligners, Invisalign, or lingual, are designed to do the same job and that’s to straighten teeth by applying gentle and sustained force. It’s how this is achieved which varies. For example, aligner type braces such as Invisalign braces in Manchester, do away with the conventional bracket and wiring style fixings altogether in favour of a series of removable clear plastic trays that are worn on the teeth just like a gum shield. Each tray (aligner) varies from its predecessor and as one tray is replaced (usually every two weeks), it gently coaxes the teeth into a particular position so that the next aligner can continue the process. Over a period of 12-18 months the desired results are normally achieved.

Unlike other forms of clear fixed braces in Manchester lingual braces attach to the back of the teeth and as a result any wiring won’t be visible when the wearer speaks or smiles. Like most forms of orthodontic treatment they take some getting used to but are ideal for those who really don’t want people to know that they’re wearing braces.

Accelerated vs long-term treatments

One of the factors that puts many people off from orthodontic treatments is that it’s considered a long-term procedure (usually anywhere between 9 months and 2 years). However patients can also have what are known as accelerated treatments. Using treatments such as C- Fast and Secret Smile, accelerated clear braces offers Manchester patients the chance to have straighter teeth in 2-6 months There is however a trade off. Because of the length of time involved, most accelerated treatments only correct the visible upper and lower teeth that are seen when a person smiles. As a result they don’t correct more complex matters such as over and under bite and tooth root alignment which long-term orthodontic treatments can. For this reason accelerated orthodontic treatments aren’t for everyone. However for those patients that prefer to focus purely on the aesthetics of their smile, then accelerated systems are the perfect option.

In essence clear braces offers Manchester patients the chance to get their teeth straightened   by way of a series of discreet treatments. Whether that’s removable systems such as invisalign braces Manchester or other forms of clear fixed braces, Manchester patients can rest assured that they’re in safe hands when they pay a visit to Church Road Dental.

If you’re concerned that your teeth aren’t giving you that great looking smile, then why not book yourself a no-obligation appointment where we can discuss your needs. Together with our experienced team, we’ll find the right orthodontic treatment for you. To book yours, either visit our website at or contact us directly on 0161 660 1218. We look forward to hearing from you.