Tag Archives: fast orthodontic treatment. smiles dental manchester

Fast Orthodontic Treatment - We've Got It Covered

Need Fast Orthodontic Treatment? We’ve Got It Covered

You may have heard of the term ‘accelerated’ or ‘fast orthodontic treatment‘ in the past but might not know exactly what it entails. After all, how do they differ to conventional brace systems and are they really effective? At our smiles dental Manchester clinic we offer a wide range of both conventional and fast orthodontic treatments, all of which are tailored towards the patient’s needs. From metallic style braces to contemporary aligner style braces such as the Inman aligner, cost UK is competitive and affordable.

Let’s take a closer look at what fast orthodontics are and how they work.

In essence accelerated orthodontic treatments generally serve one purpose and that’s to improve the aesthetics of a smile, with particular attention being paid to the upper and lower front teeth which are visible when you smile. Consisting of a variety of different systems ranging from conventional fixed ‘bracket and wiring’ style braces, through to ‘aligner’ style braces, there is a fast orthodontic treatment to suit every patient.

So how do they differ from conventional braces that take several years to complete?

Conventional brace treatments take longer to complete because, unlike speedier treatments, they don’t just concentrate their efforts on the teeth that are visible when you smile. Instead longer-term braces deal with the whole mouth and teeth. Not only this, they can also help with tooth root alignment and the overall bite. In other words they take a holistic approach to restoring your smile.

In contrast, by making a few simple tweaks to the front upper and lower front teeth it can make a huge difference aesthetically without having to alter the growth direction of tooth roots and overhaul bite alignments. Some dentists argue that the actual straightening of the teeth is only half the job and this is why fast orthodontic treatments are achieved quickly. However for many patients with slightly crooked or crowded teeth who are purely concerned with how they look, rather than the overall tooth function, accelerated treatments serve a purpose.

So how quick is quick?

Imagine you were seeking a smile dentist in Manchester to help fix severe tooth overcrowding. Chances are that you’d be matched up with a brace system that could take 18 months to 2 years to have the desired affect. Conversely if you had minor tooth problems, such as a crooked or gapped front tooth that simply needed bringing to line, you could expect to wear something like an Inman Aligner which will take just 6-18 weeks to complete. What’s more an Inman Aligner cost UK patients little in terms of self consciousness because it’s designed to be discreet.

In a nutshell, there is a need for fast orthodontic treatment especially for those who are particularly self-conscious about their smile, but don’t want the long-term hassle of wearing conventional braces.

For further information or to book yourself a consultation, visit our website at www.clearbracesmanchester.co.uk or contact us directly on 0161 660 1218. Remember you shouldn’t have to put up with a smile you aren’t happy with, so come and talk to Church Road Dental and Cosmetics today and let us help you restore your great looking smile once and for all.