Clear Braces Fast Orthodontic Treatment

Fast Orthodontic Treatment – What Is It And Does It Work?

If you’re considering orthodontics Manchester you might have heard or read about fast orthodontic treatment. If you have, then you may be curious to know exactly what it is and how it differs from other forms of teeth straightening treatment.

Research has shown that orthodontic treatments such as C-Fast, Six Month Smiles and treatments involving an Inman aligner cost UK patients hundreds of thousands of pounds every year. Further research also shows that these types of treatment are on the rise as more and more people are looking for quick fix solutions.

We all remember the clunky metallic braces that children had to endure during their school days right? Although this style of brace has been much improved and is still worn by many children and adults up and down the country, it can still take between 18 and 36 months to get to the stage where the teeth are straighter and the bite much improved. Conversely as the name suggests a fast orthodontic treatment (and there are several) can cut this time down to as little as 3 or 4 months.

So how does this work?

In essence speedy treatments such as Six Month Smiles focus their attention on the teeth that can be seen when a person smiles (primarily the front teeth). If a person suffers with unevenly spaced teeth or teeth that are slightly crooked and are simply looking for an aesthetic improvement when they smile, then fast treatments such as these can and do work. Using innovative clear braces or invisible nickel titanium wiring that exert minimal pressure on the teeth, these treatments ensure that the teeth straighten quickly without damaging the gums or tooth roots.

What fast orthodontics in Manchester isn’t

Conventional orthodontic treatments correct far more than an aesthetic smile. They also deal with root orientation and bite alignment. This is the part that generally takes time and is not something speedy orthodontic treatments can fix. Neither can it help in cases of severe tooth overcrowding or TMJD problems. That said, most adult patients are more concerned about the aesthetic side of having crooked teeth. Therefore if a patient’s goal is to simply straighten teeth to give them more confidence when they smile, then treatments such as Six Month Smiles, C-Fast and others can be a great choice and well worth for example, the Inman aligner cost, UK people are prepared to pay.

If you’re looking to improve the aesthetics of your smile and are looking to orthodontics Manchester to achieve this, then we recommend you come and speak to us. Our highly experienced team led by Shi Karim has the skills to fit a wide range of conventional and fast orthodontic treatment to suit your requirements. Remember you shouldn’t have to suffer with crooked teeth. Instead book yourself a free, no obligation consultation to get the ball rolling. To make an appointment, contact us on 0161 660 1218 or visit our website at