Invisalign Manchester, Orthodontics Manchester, Clear braces Manchester

Frequently Asked Questions About Orthodontics Manchester– Everything You Need To Know About Clear Craces Manchester and Invisalign Manchester

When it comes to teeth straightening (otherwise known as orthodontics) Manchester residents might not be too familiar with the type of treatments available to help them bring back their smile, restore confidence, and of course deliver beautifully straight teeth. Yes we’re all too aware of the train-track style metallic braces that are usually worn by children or teenagers, but what about clear braces? Manchester orthodontists for example will offer a variety of procedures but the specifics of each orthodontic treatment might leave people feeling a little baffled. With this in mind we’ve made it a little easier and answered seven of the most frequently asked questions so that you have a better understanding of the various choices available and what they entail.

I’ve heard about Invisalign, but what exactly is it?

By opting for a treatment known as invisalign, Manchester patients get discreet treatment unlike any other. Invisalign doesn’t use metal or wires like other traditional braces and instead relies on a series of aligners similar to a gum shield to straighten the teeth. As the name suggests a lack of wiring or metal means that it’s pretty much invisible. New aligners need to be cast and fitted roughly every two weeks to encourage directional growth. The process can take anywhere between 18 and 36 changes to get the desired effect. They’re designed to be removed so that eating or brushing is made easier but for optimum effect, the aligners needs to be worn for most of the day and night.

Do I need to have teeth removed?

In most cases of orthodontics in Manchester there’s no need to remove teeth. However in some instances a tooth may have to be taken out in order to make space for the remaining teeth to straighten naturally. If this is the case, your dentist will tell you beforehand so that you can make an informed choice as to what you’d like to do.

Should I avoid certain foods?

For semi-permanent orthodontic treatment you might be advised to avoid certain foods, especially those that might cause harm to your braces such as fizzy drinks, acidic juices, and sweets. At our Clear Braces Manchester clinic we’ll advise you on the kind of foods you might need to avoid in a tailor-made treatment plan.

Is brace fitting painful?

Initially patients who have newly fitted braces might feel some slight tenderness as the clips or wires are tightened for the first time. However when it comes to treatments such as Invisalign, Manchester patients who have previously had treatment state that the process is virtually pain free.

What’s the recommended length of time I need to wear a brace for per day?

For non-permanent aligners such as invisalign you’ll be required to wear them for at least twenty hours a day. Less than this might result in ineffective treatment. For other treatments such as Inman aligners your orthodontist will give you details for the best effective length of time.

How long does the process take to complete?

Completion times can and do vary greatly. For example certain clear brace procedures such as Six Month Smiles serve only to adjust the teeth that you can see. As a result the time taken to straighten the teeth will usually take six months or less. Conversely other treatments such as Invisalign or conventional metallic braces might take a year or more because they focus more on the whole mouth and correcting the bite rather than purely on dental aesthetics.

Will I need to wear a retainer once my orthodontics Manchester treatment is finished?

Almost certainly yes! The device maintains the new positioning of the teeth to ensure they stay in their new position and can either be removable, or fixed. Again this is something that you will need to speak to your dentist about.

So there you have it! If you’re still confused and are looking to find out more about Six Month Smiles, Inman aligners, Lingual braces or Invisalign in Manchester then check out our Clear Braces Manchester website at

Alternatively why not contact us on 01616 601 218 to book a free, no-obligation consultation with Shi Karim and the team. Here you can get all your questions and concerns answered allowing you to make a fully informed dental decision. Remember you shouldn’t have to put up with crooked teeth, so speak to us about our state-of-the-art orthodontic treatments today!