Manchester Clear Braces – What Are They And Why Are They Used

Manchester Clear Braces – What Are They And Why Are They Used?

Manchester clear braces are a type of orthodontic brace system that is more discreet than a traditional style metallic brace. As the name suggests clear braces Manchester are often made using clear polypropylene and tooth coloured wiring so that they appear far more discreet when worn.

However just to confuse you a little, the term ‘clear braces’ doesn’t solely apply to one single type of brace system.

Instead it incorporates a plethora of orthodontic treatments including lingual braces, Inman aligners, C Fast, and Invisalign.


Take Invisalign for example – Invisalign offers Manchester patients a chance to wear a removable brace system that relies on a series of bespoke, custom-made clear trays (otherwise known as aligners). These are worn on the teeth similar to a gum shield.

This process uses exactly the same principle as more conventional brace systems in that they apply continuous gentle pressure to force the teeth back into alignment, except that with the Invisalign system there’s no wiring or bracketing involved.

As the name suggests it’s virtually invisible giving those who wear it the freedom to socialise and live their life without feeling self-conscious. Treatment time usually takes somewhere between 12 to 36 months depending upon the severity of the case and the aligners need to be changed every 2-3 weeks.

Patients are expected to wear their aligners for around 22 hours a day, but can take them out when eating and brushing their teeth.

Accelerated Braces in Manchester

Understandably some people don’t want to wait between one and three years to achieve straighter teeth and for this reason Manchester clear braces also include a number of accelerated brace systems such as Six Month Smiles, C-Fast, and Secret Smile. In essence these types of orthodontic treatment concentrate mainly on straightening the teeth that you can see (usually the upper and lower front teeth).

In these cases results can normally be achieved within four to six months. The reason for the speedy results are that accelerated orthodontic treatments don’t tackle the other underlying issues associated with crooked teeth such as root straightening or bite correction.

Therefore these type of treatments aren’t suitable for anyone with more complex dental problems. That said, for anyone whose only concern is the aesthetic aspect of their smile, then accelerated clear brace systems might be the perfect solution.

Lingual brace systems

Another form of clear braces in Manchester is the lingual brace. These are different yet again because unlike other forms of orthodontic treatments which focus their efforts on the front of the teeth, lingual braces are connected by a series of lightweight brackets and wiring to the back of the teeth. This means that they’re far more discreet while also allowing for better oral hygiene

To sum up:

• Clear brace orthodontic treatments are discreet often using tooth coloured wiring and clear polypropylene bracketing.

• Clear brace systems incorporate both accelerated and traditional orthodontic treatment types

• Patients have a choice of bracketed/wired clear brace systems and/or aligner style systems such as Invisalign,

• They’re all designed to carry out the same task although accelerated systems tend to focus mainly on the straightening of teeth rather than other aspects such as tooth root straightening and bite alignment.

To find out more about Manchester clear braces or Invisalign offers, Manchester residents who are looking to improve their smile should visit our Church Road dental practice. Here our experienced orthodontic team will discuss your needs and requirements and help you choose the right braces Manchester treatment to suit.

To book an appointment why not visit our website at or alternatively contact us directly on 0161 660 1218 today. We look forward to welcoming you.