Clear Braces Manchester Invisalign Manchester - Whats The Cost And Are They Worth It

Invisalign Manchester – What’s The Cost And Are They Worth It?

When it comes to orthodontics Manchester there’s one treatment that’s proving particularly popular and that’s Invisalign. Manchester patients who have undergone this particular treatment as an alternative to conventional braces usually end up paying more for the process. But exactly how much do Manchester invisalign treatments cost and more importantly, are they worth it?

Before we delve straight into the cost factor it’s important to explain a little about them and how they work. Just like dental implants have done for restorative dentistry, some say that invisalign has revolutionised the world of orthodontics. The traditional wiring and brackets that many brace systems use have been replaced by removable clear plastic aligners which the patient wears over their teeth. They’re convenient, easy to fit, and they’re virtually invisible. They work in pretty much the same way as other brace systems in that they correct the directional growth of the teeth by applying gentle and continual pressure. Over a period of time (12 -36 months) the teeth straighten to reveal a great looking smile.

What about the cost?

Typically Invisalign Manchester treatment costs range from around £1800 for minor tooth movement through to £4000 for more extensive orthodontics. Manchester patients might rightly suggest that this is quite a lot of money especially when you compare it to conventional braces which cost somewhere between £2000 and £2500. However are they really worth the extra cost?

The fact is that Manchester invisalign braces offer a refreshing alternative to what can otherwise be deemed as invasive bracket and wiring systems in that they offer people a different, and some say better way, to have straighter healthier teeth. Especially those who might have never considered braces before. As the name suggests they’re virtually invisible therefore patients can go about their everyday lives without having to worry about feeling self-conscious about wearing them. Unlike other brace systems they’re also easily removable so that the wearer can eat, drink, and clean their teeth easily. That said it is advised that they be worn for around 22 hours a day for best results.

Are they any better than conventional braces?

At the end of the day, it’s all about the results. However, there’s no clear evidence to suggest that Invisalign treatments fair any better than conventional bracket and wiring brace systems. So in reality whether you should pay the extra for Invisalign in Manchester is a decision that needs to be made between you and your orthodontist. If it’s the aesthetic appearance of other brace systems that put you off from wearing them, then Invisalign treatments might be worth the extra costs involved. However if your priority is having straighter healthier teeth and you’re not particularly bothered about the interim aesthetics of wearing braces, then other orthodontic treatments might suit you better.

If you’re looking for further information on Manchester invisalign treatments or any other orthodontic solutions, then don’t hesitate to contact us. Our experienced team have been fitting various types of brace systems for many years, so you can rest assured that you’re in safe hands. To book a free orthodontics Manchester consultation check out our website at or alternatively, you can contact us direct on 0161 660 1218. We look forward to hearing from you.