Clear Braces Manchester What Is Orthodontics And How Do Braces In Manchester Help

What Is Orthodontics And How Do Braces In Manchester Help?

Orthodontics is a system of dental treatments designed to improve the overall aesthetics, positioning, and function of abnormally crooked teeth. Dentists who specialise in this area are known as orthodontists. To get results they often use treatments such as such dental braces. In Manchester for example, braces come in a variety of styles. In addition to the conventional train track style metallic braces many of us wore as teenagers, brace systems such as lingual braces Manchester are also available.

Lingual braces work in the same way as conventional wiring and bracket systems except they’re designed to be fastened to the back of the teeth. As a result they’re extremely discreet and are great for those who simply don’t feel comfortable wearing traditional brace systems. One type of lingual brace is the Inman Aligner. Manchester orthodontists often recommend this as a popular method of straightening a patient’s teeth because of it’s discreet, almost invisible nature.

So how do brace systems like these help?

The first thing to note is that irrespective of the brace system you have, they’re all designed to carry out the same job and that’s to straighten and improve the function of teeth by applying gradual and gentle sustained pressure. Over a period of time, (usually somewhere between 1 and 3 years) the teeth will eventually get to a stage where they are considerably straighter. This in turn can improve the bite and overall strength of the teeth thus (hopefully) aiding longevity.

What happens if you don’t have straight teeth?

Aside from the aesthetics of having crooked, unsightly teeth, they can also have a big impact on your overall dental health. Crooked teeth for example attract tiny particles of food and debris which can easily get lodged in between. Under normal circumstances a toothbrush should be able to reach around 95% of all food particles left after eating. The rest can easily be eradicated by flossing. However when teeth are crooked it makes the job that much harder and even flossing becomes difficult. When food debris is left it can turn to plaque which in turn builds up to attack otherwise healthy teeth. The results can cause cavities and even tooth loss. For this reason braces in Manchester such as lingual braces Manchester are the only real solution.

What about accelerated orthodontic treatments?

The sticking point with many types of orthodontic treatments is that they take time. This can involve years of continual dental visits to achieve the desired results. However treatments such as C-Fast, Secret Smile, and the Inman Aligner give Manchester patients a much faster treatment time. How come? In effect they concentrate on the aesthetic aspect only and don’t deal with the other aspects of tooth function and alignment. Typically, accelerated treatments tend to focus their attention on the front six teeth that you can see. This is perfect for those who are only concerned about the aesthetic appeal of their smile.

If you’d like to find out more about how Braces in Manchester such as lingual braces Manchester and Inman aligner Manchester can help improve your smile and overall dental health then why not contact us today. Book yourself a free, no-obligation consultation with Shi Karim and the team who will talk you through the various orthodontic treatments on offer. To book yours either contact us on 0161 660 1218 or visit our website at and start the ball rolling towards an improved smile and a healthy mouth.