Invisible Braces Manchester – What Are They And How Do They Help

Invisible Braces Manchester – What Are They And How Do They Help?

Okay so you probably know that there are many types of clear braces Manchester offering a more discreet way of wearing adult braces, but what about truly invisible braces Manchester? Is there really such a thing? Let’s take a closer look…

While many Manchester clear braces offer higher levels of discretion than say a conventional metallic style brace would, many systems can still be seen close up when the wearer smiles. For someone who for whatever reason doesn’t want anyone to know that they’re wearing them, this can still be a huge stumbling block to having straighter teeth. Because of this there are other forms of brace systems on the market commonly known as invisible braces. Manchester patients may be pleased to know that there are in fact two brace systems that really can justify the ‘invisible’ tag and that’s Invisalign and Lingual Braces.

Lingual braces

Similarly to many other forms of clear braces Manchester, lingual braces operate using a conventional bracket and wiring system. However unlike most Manchester clear braces, lingual systems are attached to the inside of the teeth and not to the outside. This means that they can’t be seen at all when a person smiles or speaks. Lingual braces are otherwise known as ‘incognito braces’ for obvious reasons and on the whole, they are a longer-term treatment, meaning that they can correct the whole mouth, not just the teeth you see when you smile. As such they can treat a variety of orthodontic problems usually within 1-2 years.


If you aren’t entirely sure whether you like the thought of wearing fixed braces permanently for 1-2 years, then another form of invisible braces Manchester is Invisalign. Unlike most other brace systems, including the lingual variety, Invisalign don’t straighten teeth by means of a tensioner at all. Instead the Invisalign system utilises a series of clear plastic trays, known as aligners which are placed over the teeth (rather like a gum shield). Each one is is made from a medical grade polymer similar to the material that contact lenses are made from. The idea is that each aligner is made to fit exactly over your teeth at a specific stage of your orthodontic journey. Every 2-3 weeks the patient takes the old aligner off and changes it for the subsequent one in the series. This carries on until they’ve reached the required number of aligners to reveal straighter teeth. In addition Invisalign aligners are supposed to be worn for 20-22 hours a day and are designed to be removed when eating and brushing the teeth. Ultimately Invisalign are about as invisible as braces get and what’s more, because they’re a longer-term treatment just like lingual braces, they can solve a wide variety of orthodontic problems.

So yes, although there are a multitude of clear braces, Manchester residents looking for 100% discretion guaranteed will be pleased to know that in Lingual Braces and Invisalign, they have two of the best forms of invisible braces Manchester that money can buy.

To find out more about invisible braces or indeed any other type of Manchester clear braces, contact  us on 01621 660 1218 for help. Alternatively, if you’re seriously considering improving your smile using adult orthodontic treatment but don’t know where to start, why not speak to Shi Karim and the team about a no-obligation consultation. We’ll take a closer look and listen to what you’d like to achieve and then make suggestions based around your needs.