Category Archives: Invisible Braces

Clear Braces Manchester Manchester Clear Braces Why Opt For Fast Brace Treatments

Manchester Clear Braces –Why Opt For Fast Brace Treatments?

Accelerated or fast brace orthodontic treatments such as 6 month smiles Manchester or lingual braces Manchester are becoming more and more popular amongst the adult population. As a result it’s now much easier to find a clinic in the Manchester area that offers such treatments. So why do people prefer this type of orthodontics?

In the past orthodontic treatments involving braces were mainly the preserve of children and young teenagers. This is because at these early stages when children are growing into adulthood it’s considered the best time to correct problem teeth. However over the past decade or so, advances in technology such as Manchester clear braces means that more adults, who for whatever reason opted not to wear braces as children, can now have corrective orthodontic treatments in a similar way. In this instance however, they can be made more discreet and in some cases virtually invisible, and, depending upon the needs and requirements of the patient, treatment times can also be accelerated. This means that instead of wearing braces for 2 years or more, treatment times can be as little as a few months.

So what type of person suits fast brace systems the best?

In essence accelerated or fast brace systems suit any number of people. Firstly brace systems such as C-Fast, 6 Month Smiles and to a lesser extent lingual braces Manchester are designed to concentrate their efforts on straightening the upper and lower teeth that are visible when the patient smiles. They may also correct lesser orthodontic problems such as gapped or flared teeth. For these reasons, those people who are purely concerned with the aesthetics of their smile (eg, how they look) or those with slight orthodontic issues that warrant a fast solution (say an upcoming event such as a wedding) are ideal candidates. In the age where image is everything, it’s understandable that affordable treatments such as 6 month smiles in Manchester are proving very popular.

Who doesn’t suit fast brace treatments?

Conversely for those people that are suffering from more severe orthodontic issues such as teeth overcrowding or a problematic over or under bite, fast orthodontic treatments aren’t the solution. The same goes for those wanting tooth root alignment in addition to straightening teeth, or those who need entire rows of teeth re-aligned. For these people there are better orthodontic treatments available from discreet tooth coloured ceramic braces through to invisible ‘aligner style’ removable brace systems such as Invisalign.

If as an adult you’re conscious about wearing metallic style braces and would prefer something more discreet then you’ve come to the right place. At Church Road Dental and Cosmetics we offer a wide range of long term and accelerated clear braces Manchester treatments. These include 6 Month Smiles Manchester, Invisalign, Inman aligners, C-Fast, Secret Smile and lingual braces Manchester. To find out more why not book yourself a free no-obligation consultation where you can get all your questions and concerns answered. To make an appointment either visit our website at or contact us directly on 0161 660 1218. Shi Karim and the team look forward to helping you achieve a beautiful smile once and for all.

Clear Braces Manchester Orthodontics Manchester Everything You Need To Know

Orthodontics Manchester – Everything You Need To Know

If you’re looking into Inman Aligner cost UK, or are seeking information on Invisalign braces Manchester then you may or may not know that you’re entering into a realm of dental care known as orthodontics. Manchester for example has a wealth of clinics that have orthodontic treatment centres, but what exactly is orthodontics?

In essence orthodontic treatments help move and straighten crooked, gapped, or flared teeth over a period of time by means of a brace system. Straight away you might associate this kind of treatment with those metallic train track style braces that many teenagers wear to help with crooked teeth. However even though they’re still used today with great results, this style of brace isn’t the only type of brace system on the market and besides, it isn’t particularly discreet.

Conversely when you speak to a dentist about orthodontics in Manchester they’ll talk to you about a multitude of treatments that are available, many of which are less discreet and in some cases, less time consuming. As a result more and more adults are now turning to treatments such as Invisalign braces in Manchester, Inman aligners, and other types of clear fixed braces to match their busy lives.

So what’s available?

There are in fact a wide selection of orthodontic treatments. For example if you’re only bothered about the aesthetics of your smile, then you can undergo an accelerated teeth straightening program using brace systems such as C-Fast, Six Month Smiles and Secret Smiles. All of these are designed to straighten those visible teeth (usually the front upper and lower) only. In most cases this can be achieved in somewhere between 3 and 6 months. Because these are quick fix solutions, they can’t unfortunately solve the problem of tooth root alignment or bite correction which takes longer to achieve.

For those who want their teeth and any underlying problems fixed, there are other alternatives to metallic style braces such as Inman aligners. Although Inman aligners cost UK patients somewhere between £1000 and £2500, they’re a great alternative to wire and clip style braces. They use a discreet nickel titanium coil spring that works alongside two inner and outer bows that are designed to push the teeth forward while pulling the other teeth back. As well as straightening crooked teeth, the Inman Aligner is also designed to help with protrusions, cross bites, crowding, or correcting rotations. Treatment can take up to 18 weeks but this is still quicker than the 18 months to 2 years that conventional braces can take.

What about those who want to get away from the spring and bracket style of brace altogether? Well there’s always Invisalign braces. Manchester clinics often recommend these for those that want to buck conventional braces for something different. As the name implies Invisalign braces are virtually invisible. Instead of using springs to push and pull the teeth into position, treatment involves a series of trays that are worn like gum shields over the teeth. Each attachment gently persuades the tooth to move ever so slightly, and as the different sized trays are changed the teeth gradually move into their new position. Treatment can take up to 18 months to complete where attachments are changed every 2 weeks. Individual attachments are completely unique and are made specifically for your teeth only.

As you can see there’s more to orthodontics Manchester than meets the eye. So whether you would like to find out more about Inman aligner cost UK or invisalign braces Manchester, why not give us a call on 0161 660 1218 and book yourself a free, no obligation appointment. Alternatively you can also check out our website at for further information on the orthodontic treatments we provide.

Clear Braces Manchester 6 Month Smiles Manchester Exploring Clear Braces And More

6 Month Smiles Manchester – Exploring Clear Braces And More

If you’re in need of orthodontic treatment but don’t fancy the idea of visible metal style braces then you might want to think about clear brace systems such as lingual braces Manchester and six month smiles. Manchester patients are also fortunate enough to be able to take advantage of treatments such as Invisalign, C-Fast and Inman Aligners. All of which are designed to be discreet. Let’s take a closer look at how they work.


Invisalign offers Manchester patients a different form of brace system. Instead of traditional wiring and bracket systems that most other forms of orthodontic treatment have, Invisalign relies on a series of bespoke aligners that are worn over the teeth like a clear gum shield. Each aligner (and there can be as many as 48) is changed every two weeks as treatment progresses. The idea is that over a period of time the teeth are gently forced back into position as each aligner completes a small step of the procedure. The end result is straighter teeth just as it would be with traditional brace systems.

Lingual Braces

Lingual braces do adopt the traditional bracket and wire style of braces except that this time the brackets and wires are fixed to the back of the teeth. The idea is that the small brackets and tooth coloured wiring can’t be seen from the front of the mouth so any time a wearer smiles or speaks, friends, family, or acquaintances don’t even have to know they’re wearing them. The other advantage of course is that by fitting them to the back of the teeth rather than the front they cause less damage to the teeth, as they’re easier to brush and keep clean. They do all the things that other brace systems do such as –

• Align flared teeth
• Close tooth gaps
• Straighten crooked teeth
• Align the gum line

– except in a discreet way.

Six Month Smiles

If you’ve been considering orthodontic treatments then chances are you might be a little discouraged because of the time factor. Traditional brace systems, and indeed many of the clear brace systems, can take significant time to achieve the desired results. This can be anywhere from 9 months to two years depending upon the severity of the condition. However when it comes to 6 month smiles, Manchester patients will be pleased to know that this is an accelerated orthodontic treatment and as the name suggests, takes 6 months or less to complete. So how come? Using clear brackets and tooth coloured wiring, the system focuses only on the teeth that are most visible when you smile (usually your upper and lower front teeth). Then over a period of 6 months of less, teeth are straightened to reveal a natural looking smile. The difference is that they don’t tackle other issues of root straightening and bite adjustment and are therefore ideal for those people who are looking for a purely cosmetic outcome.

If you’re looking to find out more about just what Invisalign offers Manchester patients, or indeed further information regarding lingual braces Manchester, 6 month smiles Manchester, or any other form of discreet orthodontic treatments, then you’ve come to the right place. Why not book a free, no-obligation appointment with Shi Karim and the team where they can discuss your dental needs with you in detail. Remember you don’t have to put up with crooked teeth. Instead talk to us about clear brace systems today. To make an appointment either visit our website at or contact us directly on 0161 660 1218.

Clear Braces Manchester Am I Too Old For Manchester Clear Braces

Am I Too Old For Manchester Clear Braces?

Clear braces Manchester are a far cry from the metallic brace systems of old that many of us wore through our teenage years. Because Manchester clear braces are far less prominent than the ‘train track’ style braces of old, adults are more willing to undergo some form of orthodontic treatment. However when it comes to age, it begs the question “are you ever too old to undergo orthodontic treatments such as Invisalign Manchester?” Let’s take a closer look.

Many adults are pleasantly surprised to find that orthodontic treatments have changed considerably in recent years and now patients can expect to wear braces that are smaller, lighter, less visible, and more comfortable. Patients who have conditions that can be treated with clear brace systems, no longer need to be concerned about how they look in braces.

So why would adults need to wear clear braces in Manchester?

Many adults have perfectly straight teeth when they are younger but as teeth are embedded into the jaw bone, the bone shape and density can change with age. This can affect the positioning of the teeth. For those who want to restore their great looking smile, orthodontic treatments are a good way to do this.

Are you ever too old to wear Manchester clear braces?

In a word no, however there are certain criteria that people should meet.

Firstly you need to have strong supporting facial structures including healthy bone. By healthy we mean bone tissue that’s plentiful and strong enough to be able to withstand the movement of the teeth over time.

Secondly to undergo treatments such as Invisalign Manchester, patients need to have a healthy mouth and this means healthy teeth and gums (eg, teeth that are free from decay and gum disease). So long as these criteria are in place, then to put it simply, you’re never too old for orthodontic treatments.

Some adults are under the impression that orthodontic treatments in older people are more painful because their bones and teeth have stopped developing and are therefore less flexible. This really isn’t the case. Clear brace systems are designed to place gentle but continual pressure on the teeth to ease them back into their correct position. Just like children and teenagers the only discomfort they might feel is for a day or so after the braces have been tightened or a new aligner has been placed.

Adult treatments may take slightly longer than children’s orthodontics. However this is often compensated by the fact that adults are generally more compliant and tend to follow the instructions of the orthodontist to the letter. Often this makes for a speedier treatment.

Whether you’re in your 30’s, 40’s, or 50’s, and want to bring back that great looking smile you once had then talk to us about Manchester clear braces. During a consultation our highly experienced team will discuss your clear braces Manchester options and from there you can make a fully informed dental decision about whether Invisalign Manchester, lingual braces, or tooth coloured ceramic braces, are best suited to your needs. Whatever you decide, one thing’s for sure. At the end of the treatment you’ll be a happier, more confident person with a fantastic smile.

For further information visit our website at or contact our experienced team on 0161 660 1218 today.

Clear Braces Manchester Invisible Braces Manchester – A Clear Way To A Great Smile

Invisible Braces Manchester – A Clear Way To A Great Smile

Clear braces offers Manchester residents a way to obtain a great looking smile without the need for a mouthful of unattractive wire and brackets. Instead invisible braces Manchester such as Inman aligners, lingual braces, and Invisalign braces Manchester offer a less conspicuous alternative which can enhance both self-esteem and physical confidence.

Treatable conditions for clear braces

While invisible braces might not be suitable for every tooth misalignment case they can be used to treat conditions such as an overbite, crooked or badly spaced teeth, and crowded teeth. They are mainly designed for use by adults and older teenagers because children and young teenagers, who either have their baby teeth or whose teeth are still developing, need the added security of metallic bracket style braces. In addition the clear aligner type such as Inman aligners and Invisalign braces are made primarily for the adult market because they need absolute and rigid cooperation for them to work. (The trays/aligners need to be worn for a minimum of 22 hours a day for the duration of the treatment)

Clear Braces Manchester types

Clear braces come in a wide variety of guises and are also known as cosmetic braces simply because, from an aesthetics standpoint, they’re more attractive. However let’s take a closer look at them individually.

Ceramic braces

This type of brace is very similar to the metallic style brace that we all know, except they use tooth coloured brackets and in some cases tooth coloured wiring. They’re non staining and blend in with your teeth making them less noticeable than their metallic counterparts.

Inside braces

These are even less conspicuous in that the brackets and wiring needed to straighten the teeth are attached to the back of the teeth rather than the front. Often known as lingual or I-braces they’re a good alternative for those who really don’t want people to know that they’re wearing braces in Manchester

Clear aligners

This type of braces is becoming more and more popular because they do away altogether with the traditional bracket and wiring that we associate with braces. Instead if we take Invisalign braces Manchester for example, they use a series of clear trays (otherwise known as aligners) which are placed directly over the teeth rather like gum shields. Instead of using tensioning wires, each individual tray in the series (and there may be as many as 48) is designed to move the teeth a certain amount until eventually, after a period of 12-24 months the teeth are straight. The downside is that they are more expensive than other forms of brace systems. However what this form of clear braces offers Manchester patients is a feeling of complete unobtrusiveness because as the name suggests, they’re made from clear plastic and are therefore virtually invisible. Also unlike other forms of clear or metallic style braces they’re removable, so they can easily be taken out when eating and brushing the teeth.

If you really do want to do something about your less than fantastic smile but don’t want to go down the conventional metal braces route then talk to us about Invisalign braces Manchester and other forms of clear braces Manchester. Why not book yourself a free, no-obligation consultation with Shi Karim and the team to discuss your options and enable you to make a fully informed dental decision. To book your appointment either visit our website at or contact us directly on 0161 660 1218

Clear Braces Manchester Clear Fixed Braces Manchester – Modern Braces For Modern Lives

Clear Fixed Braces Manchester – Modern Braces For Modern Lives

Modern day brace systems such as 6 Month Smiles Manchester and Invisalign, offers Manchester patients a refreshing alternative to the metallic style braces that we all know and (in some cases) hate. However they aren’t just for children. Surprisingly, according to the British Orthodontic Society, adults now make up more than half of the clientèle in many orthodontic practices throughout the UK. This is because as a nation (similarly to the Americans) we’re becoming more focused on achieving that perfect smile.

As a result more and more adults are wearing modern versions of those ‘train track’ style metal braces of old in order to tackle the problem of crooked teeth. However what if you’re very self conscious about the way you look or about how others perceive you? Well, there’s always clear fixed braces. Manchester orthodontists now offer this type of system alongside conventional metal braces and it’s proving very popular; but why?

They’re virtually invisible

Firstly and as the name suggests, clear fixed braces are usually made of clear plastic and/or tooth coloured wires and brackets. This means that when the wearer smiles they don’t have that unmistakeable glint of metal. In fact they’re virtually invisible. Brace systems such as Inman aligners, lingual braces and Invisalign, offers Manchester patients the same type of orthodontic treatment as metal style braces do except that they fall under the ‘clear fixed braces’ banner. Where they differ is that they may be worn in different ways. Lingual braces in Manchester for example are attached to the back of the teeth rather than the front, whereas Invisalign are worn more like clear transparent gum shields that are placed directly over the teeth. However they all do the same job. That’s not only to straighten teeth, but to re-orientate the tooth root and to correct bite alignment. Like metal brace systems they can take somewhere between 1 and 3 years to work their magic depending upon the severity of the problem.

Accelerated treatments

That said, clear fixed braces can also include accelerated treatments such as Secret Smile, C-Fast and 6 month Smiles. Manchester orthodontists recommend these very popular treatments for those people who are concerned purely with the aesthetics of their smile and not the underlying mechanics of it. For this reason these type of treatments tend to focus on straightening only the front teeth that you can see. In most cases treatments can be carried out in as little as six months.

Accelerated and holistic orthodontic treatments using clear fixed brace systems sit comfortably within 21st century society where people nowadays are more conscious about achieving that perfect look and this is why alternatives to conventional metal brace systems such as these are here to stay

If you want to find out more about clear fixed braces Manchester, 6 month smiles Manchester and also what invisalign offers Manchester residents looking to improve their smile, then contact our experienced team today. To book a free consultation call us directly on 0161 660 1218 or visit our website at

Clear Braces Manchester What Is Orthodontics And How Do Braces In Manchester Help

What Is Orthodontics And How Do Braces In Manchester Help?

Orthodontics is a system of dental treatments designed to improve the overall aesthetics, positioning, and function of abnormally crooked teeth. Dentists who specialise in this area are known as orthodontists. To get results they often use treatments such as such dental braces. In Manchester for example, braces come in a variety of styles. In addition to the conventional train track style metallic braces many of us wore as teenagers, brace systems such as lingual braces Manchester are also available.

Lingual braces work in the same way as conventional wiring and bracket systems except they’re designed to be fastened to the back of the teeth. As a result they’re extremely discreet and are great for those who simply don’t feel comfortable wearing traditional brace systems. One type of lingual brace is the Inman Aligner. Manchester orthodontists often recommend this as a popular method of straightening a patient’s teeth because of it’s discreet, almost invisible nature.

So how do brace systems like these help?

The first thing to note is that irrespective of the brace system you have, they’re all designed to carry out the same job and that’s to straighten and improve the function of teeth by applying gradual and gentle sustained pressure. Over a period of time, (usually somewhere between 1 and 3 years) the teeth will eventually get to a stage where they are considerably straighter. This in turn can improve the bite and overall strength of the teeth thus (hopefully) aiding longevity.

What happens if you don’t have straight teeth?

Aside from the aesthetics of having crooked, unsightly teeth, they can also have a big impact on your overall dental health. Crooked teeth for example attract tiny particles of food and debris which can easily get lodged in between. Under normal circumstances a toothbrush should be able to reach around 95% of all food particles left after eating. The rest can easily be eradicated by flossing. However when teeth are crooked it makes the job that much harder and even flossing becomes difficult. When food debris is left it can turn to plaque which in turn builds up to attack otherwise healthy teeth. The results can cause cavities and even tooth loss. For this reason braces in Manchester such as lingual braces Manchester are the only real solution.

What about accelerated orthodontic treatments?

The sticking point with many types of orthodontic treatments is that they take time. This can involve years of continual dental visits to achieve the desired results. However treatments such as C-Fast, Secret Smile, and the Inman Aligner give Manchester patients a much faster treatment time. How come? In effect they concentrate on the aesthetic aspect only and don’t deal with the other aspects of tooth function and alignment. Typically, accelerated treatments tend to focus their attention on the front six teeth that you can see. This is perfect for those who are only concerned about the aesthetic appeal of their smile.

If you’d like to find out more about how Braces in Manchester such as lingual braces Manchester and Inman aligner Manchester can help improve your smile and overall dental health then why not contact us today. Book yourself a free, no-obligation consultation with Shi Karim and the team who will talk you through the various orthodontic treatments on offer. To book yours either contact us on 0161 660 1218 or visit our website at and start the ball rolling towards an improved smile and a healthy mouth.

Clear Braces Manchester Invisalign Manchester - Whats The Cost And Are They Worth It

Invisalign Manchester – What’s The Cost And Are They Worth It?

When it comes to orthodontics Manchester there’s one treatment that’s proving particularly popular and that’s Invisalign. Manchester patients who have undergone this particular treatment as an alternative to conventional braces usually end up paying more for the process. But exactly how much do Manchester invisalign treatments cost and more importantly, are they worth it?

Before we delve straight into the cost factor it’s important to explain a little about them and how they work. Just like dental implants have done for restorative dentistry, some say that invisalign has revolutionised the world of orthodontics. The traditional wiring and brackets that many brace systems use have been replaced by removable clear plastic aligners which the patient wears over their teeth. They’re convenient, easy to fit, and they’re virtually invisible. They work in pretty much the same way as other brace systems in that they correct the directional growth of the teeth by applying gentle and continual pressure. Over a period of time (12 -36 months) the teeth straighten to reveal a great looking smile.

What about the cost?

Typically Invisalign Manchester treatment costs range from around £1800 for minor tooth movement through to £4000 for more extensive orthodontics. Manchester patients might rightly suggest that this is quite a lot of money especially when you compare it to conventional braces which cost somewhere between £2000 and £2500. However are they really worth the extra cost?

The fact is that Manchester invisalign braces offer a refreshing alternative to what can otherwise be deemed as invasive bracket and wiring systems in that they offer people a different, and some say better way, to have straighter healthier teeth. Especially those who might have never considered braces before. As the name suggests they’re virtually invisible therefore patients can go about their everyday lives without having to worry about feeling self-conscious about wearing them. Unlike other brace systems they’re also easily removable so that the wearer can eat, drink, and clean their teeth easily. That said it is advised that they be worn for around 22 hours a day for best results.

Are they any better than conventional braces?

At the end of the day, it’s all about the results. However, there’s no clear evidence to suggest that Invisalign treatments fair any better than conventional bracket and wiring brace systems. So in reality whether you should pay the extra for Invisalign in Manchester is a decision that needs to be made between you and your orthodontist. If it’s the aesthetic appearance of other brace systems that put you off from wearing them, then Invisalign treatments might be worth the extra costs involved. However if your priority is having straighter healthier teeth and you’re not particularly bothered about the interim aesthetics of wearing braces, then other orthodontic treatments might suit you better.

If you’re looking for further information on Manchester invisalign treatments or any other orthodontic solutions, then don’t hesitate to contact us. Our experienced team have been fitting various types of brace systems for many years, so you can rest assured that you’re in safe hands. To book a free orthodontics Manchester consultation check out our website at or alternatively, you can contact us direct on 0161 660 1218. We look forward to hearing from you.

Invisalign Braces Manchester – Answers To 5 Frequently Asked Questions

Invisalign Braces Manchester – Answers To 5 Frequently Asked Questions

There are many methods that orthodontists use to straighten teeth, ranging from traditional metallic style braces to lingual braces and of course Invisalign. Manchester clinics will choose the treatment which best meets the needs and requirements of the patient. However for the purposes of this post we’re going to focus on just one treatment and that’s Invisalign braces Manchester.

Here are 5 of the most frequently asked questions regarding Invisalign and how they differ from other types of braces in Manchester.

What exactly is Invisalign?

As the name suggests invisalign is a virtually invisible way to straighten crooked and gapped teeth. It uses advanced 3D imaging technology to create a series of custom-made trays known as aligners. These fit over the teeth like a clear gum shield and apply gentle and continuous pressure to the teeth over a period of time. Each aligner is worn for approximately 2 weeks and is then changed for the next one in the series with each completed stage gradually shifting the teeth towards the correct position.

What about the benefits?

Firstly unlike more conventional braces invisalign braces in Manchester provide a patient with a seamless discreet look that doesn’t impinge on their social life. They’re an ideal choice for the person doesn’t want others to know that they’re wearing them.

Unlike many of the other types of braces, Invisalign are removable allowing people to be able to eat, drink, and to brush and floss their teeth as they normally would. Although it’s advisable to wear them for around 22 hours a day it gives the patient the flexibility to take them out if they so wish.

Although an Invisalign wearer will have to attend the dental clinic on a regular basis to make sure that their treatment is on course, chances are it won’t be as frequent as someone who wears braces in Manchester that consist of brackets and wires.

Finally perhaps the most impressive factor about Invisalign Manchester is that through state-of-the-art 3D technology, patients are able to get a glimpse into the future and see exactly how their teeth will look at the end of the treatment.

How much does the process cost?

As with other types of orthodontic treatments the costs involved depend heavily on the degree and complexity of treatment needed. As a general rule of thumb the cost for minor tooth movement starts from around £1500 while more complex orthodontic problems could cost anything up to £5000.

How long does the process take?

Invisalign isn’t designed to be a quick fix treatment and as such is comparable with other forms of brace. On average treatments take somewhere between 1 and 2 years to complete but time scales will differ and are based on a patient’s specific needs.

What sort of age group can they be used on?

Invisalign braces Manchester can be used on the majority of adults and adolescents who are looking to improve their smile. For younger teenagers and children, Invisalign provide a specialised treatment known as Invisalign Teen. Parents of children and young teenagers needing orthodontic treatment might want to ask their dentist who will be able to explain more.

So there you have it – the answers to 5 of the most frequently asked questions about Invisalign braces Manchester.

If you’d like to find out more about Invisalign Manchester or indeed any other types of braces in Manchester then book yourself a free, no-obligation appointment at Church Road Dental and Cosmetics. We have a special interest in orthodontic treatments and can help you to restore your great looking smile. To make an appointment either visit our website at or contact us direct on 01616 601 218. We look forward to hearing from you.

Clear Braces Manchester Fast Orthodontic Treatment

How Speedy Orthodontic Manchester Treatments Can Help You

If you’ve been researching orthodontic Manchester treatments for any length of time, there’s a strong chance that you’ve come across treatments such as 6 month smiles, Manchester Invisalign, C-Fast, and Secret Smile. In essence they’re all classed as fast or accelerated orthodontic treatments and are all designed to do the same thing – straighten your teeth fast!

How they differ from traditional orthodontics

When we think of traditional orthodontics we undoubtedly think of those heavy, clunky, train-track style metal braces that many children were forced to endure while at school. While very much improved and now far less invasive, their main focus was (and still is) on the whole mouth. This means not just teeth straightening but root orientation and bite alignment too. The idea being that at the end of the treatment the patient will have better looking teeth and an all-round healthier mouth. Traditionally this was achieved by applying gentle and gradual pressure to the teeth using a series of wires which were tightened over time. Treatment could take anywhere from 18-36 months depending upon the severity of the case.

Conversely treatments such as 6 month smiles, Manchester Invisalign, C-fast or Secret smile, are all designed to focus purely on straightening the teeth that can be see rather than being concerned about those that can’t, or about bite alignment and root orientation. As the name suggests most of these treatments are carried out within six months or less and offer a far less invasive form of orthodontic treatment.

So how can they help?

Anyone who’s looking to close unsightly gaps between their teeth, straighten flared or crooked teeth, or achieve a better gum line is generally a good candidate for fast orthodontic Manchester treatment. Most processes use discreet techniques such as braces that are fitted to the back of the teeth, clear brackets, and tooth coloured wire, all of which are designed to allow the wearer to carry on with their normal lives without feeling self-conscious.

So who are they for?

People who happen to be concerned about the aesthetics of their smile and feel particularly self-conscious about their teeth are generally considered good candidates for accelerated orthodontic treatment. These type of treatments are often used by celebrities or those in the public eye and/or those who are really looking for a quick-fix solution. Ideally the candidate should be relatively fit and healthy, have a good level of dental health, and be committed to undergoing the treatment for the duration.

So who are they not for

Those who suffer with more severe teeth problems such as an over or underbite, major overcrowding of the teeth, unhealthy or damaged teeth, or have conditions such as Temporo-Mandibular Joint Disorder (TMJD) or Bruxism (severe teeth grinding) aren’t good candidates for fast orthodontic treatment. In cases such as these, other forms of treatment including conventional orthodontics should be sought.

If you’re underwhelmed by your smile because of your crooked teeth and want a quick-fix solution then treatments such as 6 month smiles, Manchester Invisalign and C-Fast just might be for you. The good news is that orthodontic Manchester treatments such as these are available at Church Road Dental and Cosmetics. Why not book yourself a free, no obligation consultation with Shi Karim and the team where you can get all your questions and concerns answered allowing you to make an informed decision about your dental health. To make an appointment, either visit our website at or contact us directly on 0161 661 1218. We look forward to welcoming you.