Tag Archives: orthodontics manchester

lingual braces before and after

Fast Orthodontic Treatment – Secret Smiles VS 6 Month Smiles

As a smile dentist in Manchester, we often fit patients with braces. Usually one of the first questions a patient asks is ‘how long do I have to wear it for?’ As adults, in particular, it seems that we want a great looking smile, but we want it fast. The good news is, that with modern advances in orthodontics, Manchester patients can have straighter teeth in a matter of weeks not years!

This is all thanks to the fast orthodontic treatment systems that are available today such as Secret Smiles, Six Months Smiles and C-Fast. With that in mind, let’s take a closer look at what two of our most popular speedy braces have to offer, Secret Smiles and 6 Month Smiles.

Both 6 Month Smiles and Secret Smiles promise fast and quick results in as little as 6 months. So what sets these two brace systems apart?

Well, the main difference is that Secret Smiles is a lingual brace that’s completely invisible because it’s fitted to the inside of your teeth. 6 Month Smiles, while still very discreet, uses tooth coloured brackets and wires on the front of your teeth. So it really depends on your preference.

Firstly, what are Secret Smile Braces?

Secret Smile braces is a modern teeth straightening system. What’s great is that it’s fitted to that back of your teeth, meaning that it’s completely invisible. As the name itself suggests, it could be your ‘secret’ to a great smile. These braces are custom made for each patient and use gentle light pressure to achieve the required tooth movements. You may often hear this brace also being referred to as a ‘lingual brace’ because this means ‘on the side towards the tongue.’

We find that this system is a particularly popular choice for people who have busy social lives or work in front of the public. In fact, lingual braces are even used by celebrities, two examples are Miley Cyrus and Kate Middleton.

Who can wear Secret Smile braces?

The good news is that when it comes to orthodontics, Manchester dentists can correct many different problems using Secret Smiles. Issues include overcrowded teeth, closing spaces between teeth, alignment of the gum line and treating protruded teeth.

They can be worn by anyone with mild to moderate teeth problems, so if you want the results of a fixed brace but without the visibility of metal wires, then this may be a great option to consider. By having a consultation with our Secret Smile dentist, Manchester patients can find out for certain whether or not they’re a good candidate for this particular treatment.

What exactly are 6 Month Smiles?

6 Month Smiles is a barely visible brace that uses tooth coloured brackets and wires. Unlike Secret Smiles, it’s fixed onto the front surface of your teeth instead. What’s great about this brace is that it offers all the benefits of wearing a traditional brace but is 75% quicker and of course far less visible than metal wires and brackets all at the same time.  So if you’re looking for fast orthodontic treatment, the good news is that the average treatment time is approximately 6 months. It works in a similar way to Secret Smiles in that this system only applies very light forces on the teeth. This means that they need to be adjusted and tightened less than conventional braces and are more comfortable to wear. As a result, patients can expect quick and convenient appointments.

Who can wear 6 Month Smiles?

6 Month Smiles can be used to treat a variety of issues, like overcrowding and closing gaps between the teeth. It can also be used to treat teeth that overlap too much, if the front or lower teeth stick out too far or if the teeth bite on the wrong side of each other. It’s also possible to correct misplaced mid-lines. This is when the centre lines of the upper and lower teeth don’t align properly.

How do they both work so fast?

Good question!

The simple answer is because these braces are only designed to straighten just the front six teeth instead of the full arch. In other words, it focuses only on improving the teeth that are most visible when you smile. With fast orthodontic treatment, it means you don’t have to face the long traditional treatment times of 18 months -2 years, especially if you only want a great looking smile without treating your bite. On average, treatments take between 6-9 months. So with both braces using the latest methods in orthodontics, Manchester patients can now move their teeth safely but quickly.

As you can see, braces have come a long way in the last decade and with these two modern advances in orthodontics, Manchester residents no longer have to suffer from low self-confidence over their smile.

If you’re looking for a 6 Month Smiles or Secret Smile dentist in Manchester for fast orthodontic treatment don’t forget to take a look at our before and after photos on our website www.clearbracesmanchester.co.uk to see examples of our great results. To book a consultation with us or to find out more about different types of braces we have to offer, call us today on 0161 660 1218.

What Does The Inman Aligner Cost UK Patients?

What Does The Inman Aligner Cost UK Patients?

So you might have heard all the fuss about the latest in adult orthodontics and want to know what the Inman aligner cost UK patients? Here at our orthodontics Manchester practice our aligners start from as little as £1000 and as such offer patients a cheaper way of shifting teeth. That said, aside from the cost, there are several advantages that the Inman Aligner has over other adult braces in Manchester .

Surprisingly the Inman Aligner has been around for a number of years but has only recently gained popularity due to the media attention where Hollywood A-listers such as Tom Cruise and R&B star Estelle have been seen sporting them. But it isn’t just the fact that it’s been embraced by the celeb fraternity, that makes them popular. The reason is that the aligner actually does a great job and what’s more it can do it in record time!

The Inman Aligner is one of a growing number of short-term or fast orthodontics designed to concentrate on straightening the upper and lower front teeth which are visible in your smile line. It has the ability to straighten teeth in as little as 6 weeks. As such it’s often used in cases where a patient has failed to wear their retainer after previous orthodontic treatment and their teeth have fallen out of line once more. If you can relate to this then come and talk to our braces Manchester clinic at Church Road dental for advice.

So how does the Inman aligner work? 

Instead of the usual brackets and wiring that most brace appliances have, the Inman Aligner is a removable system that utilises a series of springs and bows to push and pull teeth back into position. Because opposing forces are used in unison, it creates a higher range of movement meaning that teeth are moved quicker.

Is it for everyone?

At our orthodontics Manchester practice we suggest that the Inman Aligner isn’t able to fix problems with posterior (back) teeth or major orthodontic problems. Instead, other forms of conventional fixed braces or clear aligners such as Invisalign would be better suited. That said, the Inman Aligner does what it does and it does it well and when you consider the Inman Aligner cost UK, as opposed to say Invisalign, then there really is no comparison.


To find out more about the Inman Aligner as a type of fast braces Manchester treatment, contact us today on 0161 660 1218 and take the first steps towards straighter teeth and a happier you.

6 Month Smiles Manchester – Fast Orthodontics At It's Best!

6 Month Smiles Manchester – Fast Orthodontics At It’s Best!

People often seek an orthodontist Manchester if they suffer problems with their teeth or jaws. In many cases they deal with children, however a growing number of adults are also seeking advice from our orthodontics Manchester team because they aren’t entirely happy with their smile.  Usually this isn’t because they have a major dental problem but more because they aren’t happy with the way that their teeth look when they smile.

They might for instance have a slightly gapped or flared tooth or a slight misalignment which hinders their perfect smile. In these cases our team may suggest a quick-fix solution known as 6 month smiles. Manchester patients can probably guess that this particular orthodontic appliance is designed to correct problematic teeth in approximately six months. This being the case, then aside from the time frame, how do they work and how do they differ from longer full-term treatments? Let’s take a closer look…

Similarly to long term treatments, Six Month Smiles utilises a series of titanium brackets and wires which work together to apply sustained and gentle force to move teeth. Over a period of time the teeth are pushed or pulled back into position. Where they differ from many full-term treatments is that they’re designed to move only the upper and lower front teeth that are visible when you smile.  When you seek advice from an orthodontist Manchester they will tell you that fast orthodontic treatments such as Six Month Smiles place their emphasis on the cosmetic appearance of the teeth rather than the function of the bite. Therefore if you have bite (malocclusion) problems that need addressing you’ll probably be better off opting for full/long-term treatments such as clear-fixed ceramic braces or invisible braces such as Invisalign. Conversely if you have mild teeth issues and are simply concerned with the aesthetics of your smile, then quick fix solutions such as 6 Month Smiles Manchester offer the perfect solution.

Dispelling a myth…

You may think that this type of orthodontics in Manchester involves applying greater pressure or the extreme ‘tightening’ of regular braces to get the teeth moving quicker. However this is far from the truth. Instead Six Month Smiles utilises standard orthodontic mechanics to gently move teeth, except that the emphasis is on the positioning of the teeth rather obtaining full bite function. For this reason they’re as comfortable, if not more so, than conventional full-term braces.

If you’re unhappy with your smile and are looking for an orthodontist Manchester to help, then come and talk to us about 6 month smiles. Manchester-based Church Road Dental and Cosmetics are your one stop dental practice for all your dental issues, so why not book a consultation with Shi Karim and the team today. Contact us on 0161 660 1218 and take the first steps to restoring your great looking smile.

Orthodontics Manchester – How Do Braces Straighten Teeth?

Orthodontics Manchester – How Do Braces Straighten Teeth?

If you’re in need of teeth straightening, Manchester dental practices specialising in orthodontics in Manchester can help. At our smiles dental Manchester office for example, we offer a wide range of treatments designed to help realign teeth. These include fast or accelerated orthodontic treatments such as C-Fast, Secret Smiles, and Six Month Smiles through to lengthier full-term treatments such as ceramic braces, lingual braces, and Invisalign aligners. While you don’t have to look far to find information about each individual treatment, it’s more difficult to find information on how braces actually work. With this in mind, let’s take a closer look.

The first thing to note is that despite the many different orthodontic appliances available they all perform the same function and that is to straighten teeth using applied gentle force. Although there are some subtle differences in the way that this is done, generally speaking appliances are either fixed to the teeth or placed over the teeth  to force them to move/turn/grow in the right direction. So how is this achieved?

Fixed appliances

Fixed orthodontic treatments are what most people would recognise as traditional braces. These are fixed to the teeth for the duration of the treatment and consist of four elements.

  • Brackets
  • Bonding material
  • Arch wire
  • Ligature elastic/O Ring

Firstly our smiles dental Manchester team will help you choose the right brace system to suit your needs and/or requirements. Once you’re happy, then small brackets are attached to each tooth using a  special type of bonding material. These can either be coloured or silver in the form of conventional braces, or ceramic tooth coloured for discretion. Alternatively, in the case of lingual braces, they can also be attached to the back of the teeth.

Next an arch wire is attached. This runs from bracket to bracket and is used to apply sustained gentle pressure on the teeth which in turn encourages them to move/twist back into the right direction.

Finally a small coloured piece of elastic known as a ligature or O ring holds the arch wire onto each bracket. The elastic ligature can be adjusted to help the arch wire to apply greater pressure in a certain position and is usually carried out by the dentist during a visit if necessary, although with some types of teeth straightening, Manchester appliances utilise O rings that can adjust of their own accord. These are known as self litigating braces. As pressure is adjusted and tweaked accordingly, the teeth respond and will eventually become straighter.

Removable orthodontics Manchester

As opposed to fixed brace treatments, removable orthodontics are designed to be easily removed by that patient during periods of eating, drinking, and cleaning the teeth. It’s suggested that it gives the wearer better dental hygiene because there is zero chance of food particles becoming trapped; but also, it gives the user greater control (within reason) over when they wear them. Treatments such as Invisalign aligners are one such appliance. So how do they work?

Just to complicate matters, Invisalign aligner treatment doesn’t rely on just one appliance for the duration of the treatment. Instead it involves a whole series of appliances/aligners (sometimes as many as 48 over a 2-3 year period). Each aligner is made from clear acrylic and is designed to be worn over the teeth like an invisible gum shield for a short period of time (approximately 2 weeks). As the first aligner is worn, it’s been made to fit snugly over the teeth forcing them to move a fraction of a position (usually around 1/10mm). After two weeks, the teeth should have moved sufficiently so the first aligner is discarded and the next one in the series is worn which moves the teeth a little more. The whole process is repeated again and again every two weeks until eventually, the teeth have reached the desired position.

As you can see, both types or orthodontic appliance have the ability to move teeth using sustained and gentle force, but it can be achieved in different ways. If you’d like to find out more about how orthodontics Manchester can help you achieve a straighter healthier smile then talk to our smile dentist Manchester about teeth straightening Manchester today. Why not book yourself a consultation by calling us on 0161 660 1218 and take the first steps towards having a smile that you can be proud of.

6 Month Smiles Manchester – What Exactly Does It Entail?

6 Month Smiles Manchester – What Exactly Does It Entail?

So you’ve read the odd lingual braces blog, or sought advice on Invisalign aligners and now feel that you need an orthodontic treatment that’s reasonably priced and delivers quicker results – something like 6 month smiles. Manchester practices will know that as a fast or accelerated orthodontics Manchester treatment it’s particularly popular; so what exactly is it and how does it work?

As the name suggests Six Month Smiles is a type of orthodontic brace that’s designed to straighten teeth within 6 months or less. It works on the same bracket and wire principle that many other brace systems have, but instead of taking 12-18 months to achieve results, short term orthodontics such as these take considerably less time. They’re discreet, comfortable to wear, and competitively priced.

As with all accelerated or fast brace treatments however, there is a trade-off. If you wear full-term orthodontic devices such as conventional braces, lingual braces, and clear aligners such as Invisalign, then over a period of time, they’ll straighten ALL teeth no matter where they’re positioned in the mouth. On the contrary with 6 month smiles, Manchester patients will need to understand that braces such as these can only straighten the front upper and lower teeth which are visible when you smile. What’s more, orthodontics Manchester treatment involving short term systems can’t correct underlying problems such as tooth root alignment either. As a result they won’t suit everyone.

So who are 6 month smiles in Manchester good for?

They’re ideal for those adults whose teeth are in relatively good condition and whose bite function is normal. Six Month Smiles are perfect for those looking for a quick aesthetic solution to their crooked teeth and who aren’t concerned about correcting any underlying issues. This is either because they don’t have any, or they need a quick-fix solution. Candidates may be people who have an event looming and they need/want to look their best. This could be a family gathering such as a wedding or engagement, a job interview, an upcoming vacation, or even a date. In this respect accelerated braces treatments are perfect because they offer the fast solution that the patient craves.

So who are they not for?

Patients with underlying bite problems won’t benefit from 6 month smiles Manchester treatment. Nor will those looking for complete restorations, including tooth root alignment, or those with posterior molar problems. These patients are better suited to full term orthodontics such as those you may have heard about when reading a lingual braces blog.

The bottom line is that there is an orthodontics Manchester treatment available for every condition. It’s your dentist’s job to match the right treatment to the person and their requirements/needs. Whether that’s 6 Month Smiles, Manchester, Invisalign, or lingual braces, we can help. Call us on 0161 660 1218 to book a consultation today.

Orthodontics Manchester – The 4 Different Types Explained

Orthodontics Manchester – The 4 Different Types Explained

Not everyone has perfectly aligned teeth and this is why more and more children and adults are seeking treatments for teeth straightening. Manchester patients for example are becoming far more aware of the importance of straighter teeth and a visit to our smile dentist Manchester will give you all the information you need to know in order to make an informed dental decision. However just to give you a head start, if you’re having problems with your teeth, your dentist may recommend any one of 4 available orthodontics Manchester treatments. These are as follows…

Conventional braces

Normally made of stainless steel, conventional braces are the cheapest kind of orthodontic treatment. These are also the only type of braces available on the NHS. A series of brackets hold self-tensioning wires in place which run across the front side of the teeth. As they contract, gentle pressure is applied to the teeth which in turn moves them into position.

The downside is that they are highly visible, so they’re not ideal for those looking for something more discreet. In addition, they can also make it difficult to brush and floss around your teeth, so  dentists generally recommend that sticky foods should be avoided.

Ceramic braces

Ceramic braces are only available through private dentists and feature brackets which are tooth coloured and wiring which is either white metal or clear plastic. They’re far more discreet so make an ideal choice for patients looking for less obvious forms of orthodontics. Manchester dentists do however, state that the tension wiring or plastic that helps to straighten the teeth can be prone to staining. Because of this, the wiring should be replaced every month or so when the brackets are tightened.

The negatives are that ceramic braces are considerably more expensive than conventional braces and being ceramic, they can be prone to chipping or breaking, so greater care is needed when wearing them. That said a visit to a smile dentist in Manchester will give you all the details you need to make an informed choice.

Lingual braces

Unlike conventional braces or ceramic braces which are worn over the front of the teeth, lingual braces are secured behind the teeth. This requires a complicated process of fitting which only  specialised orthodontists can perform. Because the brackets are noticeably smaller and fit behind the teeth, those seeking teeth straightening Manchester using lingual braces need to have relatively large teeth. As a result they aren’t suitable for everyone and they certainly don’t come cheap. In addition because they impact the tongue when speaking, they can take some getting used to. That said, lingual braces are incredibly discreet and can treat a wide variety of problems. As a result they’re a great choice for those people who have customer facing roles or for those who are in the public eye.

Invisible braces

When it comes to orthodontics in Manchester, invisible braces are by far the most expensive type of braces that you can buy. However don’t let the price be the deciding factor because what they lack in value for money, they more than make up for in so many other ways.

Firstly invisible braces such as Invisalign aren’t really braces in the conventional sense of the word. In fact they don’t contain any brackets or wiring at all. Secondly, where all other brace types are fixed in place for the duration of your treatment, this type of ‘aligner-style’ brace system is designed to be easily and fully removable. Finally instead of having one brace for the duration of a treatment, patients have a whole series of them which are changed every two weeks.

So how does it work?

Each aligner or tray is made from a clear acrylic and is designed to fit snugly over the teeth, kind of like a gum shield. During this time the teeth are gently forced into a pre-determined position before the next one can be worn. This process is repeated until all of the aligners have been worn and the patient has reached the end of their treatment and achieved perfectly straight teeth.

Unlike other teeth straightening Manchester techniques, invisible braces such as Invisalign are designed to be removed every time the wearer eats or cleans their teeth. This helps protect the teeth from any tartar build-up.

The only negative aside from the price is that you need to be disciplined enough to keep them in for 20 hours plus a day and also, because the trays are virtually invisible, just like a contact lens they can easily be misplaced.

So there you have it, the 4 different types of orthodontic treatments explained. If you’re seeking orthodontics Manchester treatment because you’re in need of teeth straightening Manchester,  come and visit our smile dentist Manchester for a consultation. To book yours contact us on 0161  660 1218 today and start the ball rolling towards a straighter smile and healthier teeth.

Teeth Straightening Manchester – What Are The Methods Used?

Fast Orthodontic Treatment – What Is It And How Does It Help?

If you’re in need of Orthodontics, Manchester-based Church Road Dental and Cosmetics can help. With a wide selection of adult brace systems to suit your requirements and needs, patients can rest assured that there’s a treatment type to suit them. From traditional metallic style braces through to incredibly discreet clear view braces, patients have the choice of either conventional longer-term treatments or fast orthodontic treatment.

While the majority of people have a relatively good understanding of how conventional long-term orthodontic treatments work, I want to focus more in this post on fast or accelerated treatments; in particular, what they are exactly and how they can help. So without further ado, let’s take a closer look.

Similarly to longer-term brace systems, fast orthodontic treatments can fix a variety of dental problems by applying gentle continued pressure to move teeth. This can be done using traditional fixed bracket and wiring style systems, or in the case of the Inman Aligner, a removable brace that’s taken out when you eat. Also like longer-term clear view braces, accelerated brace systems can also be discreet. Although not as invisible as a treatment such as Invisalign per se, they’re usually made of ceramic with clear brackets and tooth coloured wiring, so they blend in seamlessly with your teeth from a distance but are a little more visible close up.

Where they differ however is in terms of time. As an example, if you were going to have long-term orthodontics, Manchesterbased practices might suggest treatments such as conventional metallic style brace systems or Invisalign. These can take anything from 12-24 months to complete depending upon the degree of correction needed. On the contrary with fast orthodontic treatment, it’s possible for teeth to be straightened in as little as 6-12 weeks.

Sounds like a bit of a no-brainer right? Well not exactly…

The reason accelerated treatments work is because they concentrate their efforts purely on the top and bottom six teeth which are visible when you smile. Because of this they can correct basic dental issues such as slightly crooked, flared or gapped teeth. What they can’t do however is to correct more extensive issues such as overbites, underbites, cross-bites, tooth root alignment and more severe tooth overcrowding. In fact you could say that fast orthodontics in Manchester are ideal for those concerned with the aesthetics of their smile rather than overall bite function. It’s also fair to say that for many people this is sufficient, especially if they have an important event in the pipeline like a wedding or job interview and want their teeth to look their best. Conversely for those in need of a more complete dental makeover, longer-term brace systems are usually more beneficial.

So to sum up….

Fast orthodontic treatment is ideal for those looking for a quick-fix aesthetic solution to their dental problems and are more suited to correcting mild teeth issues. On the contrary if you’re looking for a more complete solution to your orthodontic problems then longer-term brace systems using either conventional or clear view braces will offer a better outcome.

If you need orthodontics Manchester, why not come and talk to our team at Church Road Dental and Cosmetics. We’ll talk to you about your needs and requirements and tailor a treatment based around these. To book a consultation contact us on 0161 660 1218 and start the ball rolling towards a healthier smile and a happier you.

Orthodontics Manchester – What's Life Like after Treatment

Orthodontics Manchester – What’s Life Like after Treatment

It can be pretty daunting knowing that you’re about to start a long term dental procedure such as orthodontic Manchester treatment. However when you get to the point where you’ve completed your orthodontics Manchester treatment and your braces can eventually come off, you should notice a huge difference in your smile. Not only that, you should also notice a difference in you and your life moving forwards. Let’s take a look at what that might be like.

You’ll be able to take better care of your teeth

As a smile dentist Manchester one of the first things we tell patients contemplating undergoing orthodontic treatment is that they’ll be able to take better care of their teeth. Let’s face it, when teeth are crooked and uneven, it can be difficult to brush and floss properly. Not only that, the nooks and crannies left when teeth are crooked makes it easier for food particles to become trapped. This can lead to a build up of plaque which in turn can ultimately lead to tooth decay.  Even though you mightn’t think so when you are wearing aligners or braces you will have healthier teeth.

You’ll have a healthier you!

You’ll probably be aware of the importance of oral hygiene for your teeth, but what you may not know is that successful orthodontic treatment in Manchester can not only aid your dental hygiene abilities, but can also mean a healthier you. There’s strong evidence to show that bacteria from severe gum disease for example can get into the blood stream causing an increased risk in heart disease, so by keeping your teeth in good healthy condition, it can also mean a healthier you

You’ll have way more confidence

Often when people suffer with missing, badly stained, or crooked teeth it can knock their confidence as they tend to hide their smile, and some even withdraw from social situations. Once your orthodontics Manchester treatment is complete and you can look in the mirror at your smile, it will fill you with confidence. What’s more, a great looking smile is undoubtedly more attractive and can also portray a certain level of confidence to others that you mightn’t necessarily have had previously.

You’ll be happier

Did you know that the more you smile the happier you become. According to research, when a person smiles more, even when they don’t particularly feel like it, they tend to score higher on a series of tests related to happiness. Clearly if you’ve just got back your great looking smile, then it’s likely you’re going to want to smile more anyway; and hey presto, a happier you emerges!

So there you have it – A fully restored smile can do so much for your health, your confidence, and your happiness so it’s no wonder why more and more people are seeking orthodontic Manchester treatment.

To find out more about how contemporary orthodontic Manchester braces and aligners can help you, contact our smile dentist Manchester for further details.

To book a free no-obligation appointment either visit our website at www.clearbracesmanchester.co.uk or contact us directly on 0161 660 1218. Dr Shi Karim and the team look forward to meeting you.

Inman Aligner Cost UK

What Does An Inman Aligner Cost UK Patients?

Want to know what an Inman Aligner cost UK patients? The answer might not be as expensive as you think, especially if you look at it as a long-term investment.

At our smile dentist Manchester, the price of an Inman aligner varies between £2000 and £2700 depending upon the severity of the treatment. Now that may sound quite a lot of money, but when you consider that you get discreet orthodontic Manchester treatment without the pain of wearing childhood train tracks, it may seem a small price to pay for many people. But that’s not all….

The Inman aligner treats crooked teeth fast. In actual fact the simplified fitting which sits across the teeth can straighten most teeth within 3 months – give or take. That’s a far cry from the metallic train track style braces many children endured for 1-2 years or more. As a result it’s opened up the world of orthodontic possibilities to people who would otherwise never have had anything done. So with the Inman aligner it is possible to achieve a great looking smile for that ever looming special day or event.

So how does a smile dentist in Manchester fit the Inman aligner?

First of all the dentist will assess your teeth and take impressions. This is so that the brace system can be made specifically to fit your teeth, and usually takes around two weeks. Once the aligner is fitted it works by applying gentle sustained pressure to gradually move the teeth back into position using a spring. This is slightly different from the metallic style brace system that only moves teeth in the days immediately after the dentist has tightened the brace.

What about when the treatment is completed?

Once the orthodontic Manchester treatment is complete and your teeth are straighter they will still need a little help staying put. Therefore a further impression of your now straight teeth is made and a second brace is fashioned. This must be worn at night times only for around 6 weeks. In addition the dentist will need to fit a small permanent piece of wiring behind the teeth so that they don’t start to wander once again. This is known as a retainer.

So to sum up …

An Inman Aligner cost UK patients somewhere between £2000-£2700 depending upon where you go. It’s ideal for those people who generally have good teeth but are also concerned with the aesthetics of their smile. It’s completely discreet, which means that it opens up a world of possibilities for those who may have felt too embarrassed or self conscious to undergo such treatment previously. So for this reason alone the Inman aligner can be considered a good investment for your long term dental health and overall happiness.

If you’re not happy with your smile and are looking for a smile dentist Manchester who can help then look no further than Church Road Dental and Cosmetics. Shi Karim and his team of highly experienced orthodontists will help you get the smile you want using fast-brace treatments that suit both your needs and your lifestyle.

To find out more, either visit our website at www.clearbracesmanchester.co.uk or contact us directly on 0161 660 1218 and start the ball rolling towards restoring your great looking smile today.

Inman Aligner Manchester - Help Makes You Smile

How An Inman Aligner Manchester Can Help Your Smile

Many people are looking to straighten their teeth without the use of traditional ‘bracket and wiring’ style braces. An Inman Aligner UK is one such choice, especially if you’re looking for a discreet way to improve your smile. Manchester orthodontists will often recommend the Inman Aligner for people who chose not to wear their retainers after wearing braces originally. This may have caused their front teeth to drift back to their original positions once again. So with this in mind, how exactly can orthodontics Manchester treatment such as the Inman Aligner restore your smile?

Because the Inman Aligner fits a specific patient profile (eg, those who don’t want to wear full braces again) it’s extremely effective in accomplishing those goals. Your teeth can gently be guided into position in a matter of weeks rather than years, as with other forms of brace systems. In fact most treatments are completed from start to finish in 6-18 weeks. It’s also fully and easily removable, so the Inman aligner is particularly hygienic to wear.

So how does it work?

The Inman Aligner uses a nickel titanium coil spring which is used to power two bows sat either side of your teeth. The spring pushes one bow while gently pulling the other, which in turn guides the teeth back into position. The reason why this particular orthodontics Manchester treatment works so well is because the specialised design makes it active over a large range of movement. As it only needs to be worn for 16-20 hours a day, it can also be adapted to suit the wearer’s lifestyle.

Inman Aligner offers complete flexibility

For those people who are looking to restore the aesthetics of their smile, Manchester orthodontists may suggest that it offers a perfect stand-alone solution for those who want to look their best by a certain time scale. This may be due to an upcoming job interview, family get together, function or even a date. Alternatively, it can also be used in conjunction with other cosmetic dental treatments such as teeth whitening, or indeed, an entire smile makeover to give an overall improved appearance.

If you’re interested to know more about how a culmination of orthodontics Manchester treatments such as an Inman Aligner UK can help restore your great looking smile, Manchester based, Church Road Dental and Cosmetics can help. Why not book yourself a free no-obligation consultation with Shi Karim and the team who can discuss your needs and answer any questions or concerns you might have.

To book yours either visit our website at www.clearbracesmanchester.co.uk or contact us directly on 0161 660 1218 today and take the first steps towards a new and happy you!