Category Archives: Inman Aligner Manchester

Are Invisalign Braces In Manchester Worth The Cost

Are Invisalign Braces In Manchester Worth The Cost?

Are you considering Invisalign braces in Manchester? If you are it might be worth pointing out that they are one of the more expensive orthodontic treatments, ranging anywhere from £1500 to £3500. So the question is, are they really worth the cost? Firstly before we answer this let’s take a look at Invisalign braces Manchester in greater detail.

If you’re looking for a discreet type of orthodontic treatment that doesn’t show others that giveaway metallic smile, then it has to be Invisalign. Manchester dental practices throughout the area are finding that patients who need to undergo orthodontic treatment for longer periods of time will favour Invisalign because of this fact. But that’s not all… they differ in many ways and are about as far removed from conventional train track style braces as they could possibly be.

Aligner style

Firstly it’s classed as an ‘aligner style’ brace system in that it does away with the traditional brackets and wiring system that many people wear. Instead, Invisalign looks more like an invisible sports gum shield rather than a type of orthodontic treatment. Also just like a sports gum shield it happens to be worn over the teeth in a similar kind of way. Because of this design the Invisalign brace can also be removed easily by the wearer every time they eat and drink, with the idea being that it’s placed back onto the teeth immediately after.

More than one element

When you imagine orthodontic braces in Manchester, you probably think of one complete unit that’s permanently attached to the mouth for the duration of the treatment. While this is the case with the majority of brace types, with Invisalign braces, Manchester patients can have up to 48 aligners in total. Each aligner (or tray as it’s otherwise known) is designed to fit over the teeth in a specific sequence throughout the duration of the treatment. After 2 weeks the current tray is discarded, since the teeth will have moved to where they need to be, and replaced with the next one in the sequence. The severity of the dental problem is reflected by the amount of aligners that you’ll have.

Okay” I hear you say, “I get it but where does the cost come in?”

Tailor made to suit

While many braces are indeed tailored to fit the mouth of an individual patient, nothing comes close to the engineering involved in making Invisalign. Manchester patients for example will first have to undergo a whole series of  measurements and impressions of their teeth. These impressions are then sent away to a central laboratory where they’re plotted digitally. The computer image is then sent back to the dentist and the patient so that they can see at any one stage of the treatment what position their teeth should be in and how the end result will look. (A kind of virtual trial smile). If all is okay, then the lab will set to work making each individual aligner in the sequence.

Ultimately what you end up with is a carefully manufactured, almost invisible piece of craftsmanship with each aligner in the series made to fit a specific 2-3 week time period of your treatment. Not only this, because it’s designed to be removed, it gives you the flexibility (within reason) of when you want to wear it. These are the reasons why the Invisalign Aligner is one of the more expensive orthodontic treatments on the market.

If you’d like to find out more about Invisalign, Manchester-based Church Road Dental and Cosmetics can help. With our experienced orthodontics team we can advise you on the most suitable braces in Manchester for you. So if you’re a little confused or overawed about braces, Manchester patients should give us a call. To book a free, no-obligation consultation, contact us on 0121 660 1218 or alternatively, make an appointment online at

What Does The Inman Aligner Cost UK Patients?

Inman Aligner Treatment For Orthodontics – How Does It Work?

If you suffer from crooked, gapped, or misaligned teeth then you might be referred to an experienced orthodontic Manchester dentist for help. They can suggest a number of ways to help you achieve a great looking smile; one of them being Inman aligner treatment. But what exactly is it and how does it work?

When a smile dentist Manchester suggests the Inman Aligner you might be surprised to learn that it isn’t like your typical orthodontic brace system. For starters unlike many other types of braces it’s designed to be removable by the patient so that they can eat, drink, and clean teeth, without obstruction. Secondly, it does away with the traditional brackets and wiring in favour of sprung loaded bows which gently push and pull the teeth back into position. Ideally it’s used as a stand alone treatment but it can also be used prior to other cosmetic options such as teeth whitening, veneers, or cosmetic bonding.

So how does it work?

Unlike other brace systems Inman Aligner treatment utilises nickel titanium springs known as bows which push and pull the teeth back into the correct position. It’s designed to concentrate its efforts on the upper and lower front teeth that are visible when you smile. For this reason it won’t be a recommended course of treatment for those with more underlying teeth problems. That said, the Inman Aligner can offer the perfect solution for those with mild to moderate alignment problems who are looking to improve their smile quickly, perhaps for an upcoming event.

So how quick is it?

Your orthodontic Manchester dentist will have a better idea of how long your treatment will take when they examine your teeth closer. However as a general rule of thumb, treatment takes somewhere between 12 and 26 weeks to complete. When you compare it to conventional brace systems that can take between 2 and 3 years to complete, that’s fast! That said a speedy treatment does rely on the patient wearing the aligner for somewhere between 16 and 20 hours a day, preferably the latter. The bottom line is that if patients forget to put it in or don’t wear it for the required number of hours, treatment time will often take significantly longer. Ideally it should only be taken out when eating, drinking, and brushing the teeth, and should always be worn when sleeping. However the idea is that the patient has full control over their treatment.

If you’d like to know more about how Inman Aligner treatment can help you, or you would like to speak to an orthodontic Manchester dentist about ways in which they can help you to improve your smile, contact smile dentist Manchester at Church Road Dental and Cosmetics. We invite you to book a free no obligation consultation with Dr Shi Karim and the team to discuss your options. In doing so you’ll have a clearer idea of the types of treatments available, allowing you to make a fully informed dental decision. To make an appointment call us on 0161 660 1218 today and start the ball rolling towards a healthier smile and a happier you.

Teeth Straightening Manchester – Should You Try The Inman Aligner?

Clear Braces Manchester – How Much Do They Cost?

Understandably, one of the first questions patients want to know when told that they need clear braces Manchester is how much do they cost? The problem is that with many different brace systems to choose from, treatments and prices can vary tremendously depending upon your individual needs.

Inman Aligner cost UK for example mightn’t vary too much from one practice to another, but when compared directly to other orthodontic treatments such as Invisalign, patients might see a considerable difference in price. Why? Because to put it simply Invisalign offers Manchester patients a holistic approach to orthodontic treatment, whereas other clear brace treatments, including the Inman Aligner, focus more on the aesthetics of the smile. So what does this mean with regard to pricing?

In essence it makes it very difficult to give a definitive, and of course an accurate price on the braces you need, without finding out more about your dental issues and lifestyle. For this reason, at Church Road Dental, we offer a free consultation where we can determine the best type of clear braces Manchester to suit, and ultimately a more accurate cost. To make it easier for our patients we’ve published a starting price guide on our site for orthodontic treatment, so you can gauge roughly how much an Inman aligner costs UK patients, or to compare Invisalign offers in Manchester with other prices around the country.

So what does the cost of orthodontic treatment usually include?

Usually the cost of your orthodontic treatments encapsulates everything you need to achieve a great looking smile. This includes:

  • All dental appointments pertaining to your orthodontic treatment  – This may include any emergency appointments if necessary and lasts for the duration of your treatment. In some cases this can be up to 3 years.
  • All scans, X-rays, and imaging, related to the making of your braces
  • Initial fitting of your fixed or removable brace system and, in the case of fixed systems, any adjustments as and when necessary
  • An oral hygiene starter pack and ongoing advice or help as and when you need it.

Flexible Finance Options

We understand that orthodontic treatment can be a large financial outlay and for this reason we offer a series of flexible payment options where patients can spread payments over a period of months. This means that you can have straighter, healthier teeth without having to worry about the initial outlay.

As you can see, the answer to the question “How much do clear braces Manchester cost?” isn’t definitive. What we can do however, is to be upfront and transparent about our pricing and give you as much information as we can, to help you make a fully informed dental decision. To find out more about Inman Aligner cost UK, or what Invisalign offers Manchester patients, we invite you to talk to Dr Shi Karim and the team. To make an appointment, contact us directly on 0161 660 1218 today or visit our website to make a booking. Let us help you restore that great looking smile. One call is all it takes to start the ball rolling.

Teeth Straightening Manchester

Need 6 Month Smiles? Manchester Patients Weigh Up Their Options

If you’re searching for accelerated orthodontic treatments and need 6 month smiles, Manchester patients will probably have discovered that they have a variety of options to choose from. You may for instance have come across  a series of Inman Aligner before and after pictures found on any number of dental websites which may sway your views slightly. Alternatively if you’re erring towards longer treatment then you may have read an informative lingual braces blog outlining the advantages that they bring. Whatever the reason and whatever the viewpoint, if you’re looking to spend the next six months or more wearing braces to achieve a great looking smile, what should you be looking out for? Let’s take a closer look.

In essence anyone looking to achieve a better smile in 6 months or less will ultimately be considering fast or accelerated orthodontics treatment. These treatments work in exactly the same way as longer-term orthodontics in that they use sustained gentle force to coax the teeth back into alignment. The main difference, however, is that they usually only deal with the upper and lower 6 teeth that are visible when you smile. For this reason, anyone looking for a more holistic treatment that deals with bite issues as well as tooth root straightening will find that perfect teeth in 6 months or less isn’t really an option. On the contrary, for those people wanting to concentrate solely on how their smile looks rather than how it functions, then obtaining 6 month smiles in Manchester is highly achievable.

So what types of accelerated treatments are available?

Firstly there are a variety of clear fixed brace systems which although permanently attached to the teeth for the duration of the treatment remain discreet. Typically these are bracket and wiring style orthodontics using clear ceramics and tooth coloured wires. These include C Fast, Secret Smiles and 6 month smiles.

Alternatively, you have the ‘aligner style’ removable braces such as the Inman Aligner. Before and after pictures are often pretty impressive when you look on any dental website that offers them and not without good reason. In most cases treatment is achieved within 4 months. Because they’re fully and easily removable they have certain advantages over their fixed compatriots in that it makes eating and cleaning of the teeth easier. That said, in order for the aligner to achieve the perfect results fast, they still need to remain in the mouth for around 20 hours every day. Anything less will lengthen or compromise the treatment, so full compliance is a must.

What about Lingual Braces?

You may have already done some research and been reading the odd lingual braces blog. However  in doing so what you might have discovered is that lingual braces aren’t really an accelerated or fast orthodontic treatment as such. However because of the fact that they’re secured to the back of the teeth and not the front, they often get results quicker. In some cases as little as 9 months, as opposed to 1-2 years for conventional braces. In addition, because they’re secured to the back of the teeth lingual braces are incredibly discreet, so you may want to consider them for this reason.

Hopefully this has give you some insight into how you can achieve 6 month smiles. Manchesterbased Church Road Dental and Cosmetics can help you to make the right choice by giving you all the information you need to make a fully informed dental decision. This includes showing you a selection of Inman Aligner before and after pictures, as well as explaining your various options in greater detail.

To make an appointment with Dr Shi Karim and the team, contact us on 0161 660 1218 today. We very much look forward to hearing from you.

6 Month Smiles vs Inman Aligner Manchester - Which Is Better

6 Month Smiles vs Inman Aligner Manchester – Which Is Better?

If you’ve ever visited a smile dentist Manchester for orthodontic treatment in the past you’ll know that there are a multitude of orthodontic treatments that can help to straighten teeth, improve bite, and restore your smile. From discreet fixed brace systems such as lingual braces and 6 Month Smiles Manchester, through to removable aligner style brace systems such as Invisalign and the Inman aligner, Manchester patients can rest assured that there’s a treatment to suit both needs, requirements, and/or budget.

With this in mind, let’s take two of the most popular treatments (6 Month Smiles and the Inman aligner) and make a comparison to see which is better.

Firstly it’s worth pointing out that both the Inman aligner and 6 Month Smiles are what are known as fast or accelerated orthodontic treatments. That means that unlike other brace systems dental aesthetics can be restored in as little as 2- 6 months. But how do they directly compare?

Fixed vs removable

Unlike the Inman Aligner, the 6 Month Smiles treatment is a fixed brace system. This means that once in place it’s worn for the duration. This can make brushing and flossing more difficult as tiny food particles can become lodged in between the brackets and wiring making them difficult to shift. Conversely the Inman aligner is designed to be easily removed especially when eating, drinking, and brushing the teeth, therefore making it easier to maintain good oral health.


Many adults don’t like the thought of having to wear orthodontic braces especially if they’re visible when they talk, eat, or smile. So how do the Inman Aligner and the 6 Month Smiles Manchester  treatments stack up? The 6 Month Smiles braces are fashioned from tooth coloured brackets and wiring, which are relatively difficult to spot unless you’re close up to someone who’s wearing them. The Inman Aligner on the other hand consists of a thin bow or wire that sits right across the front of your teeth. While it’s not like wearing conventional metallic braces, it’s arguably not as discreet as the 6 Month Smiles system.

What about treatments?

Because of the way that an Inman aligner Manchester is constructed, it’s perfect for tackling mild over-crowding in the front upper and lower jaw as well as for correcting teeth alignment and teeth protrusion. Conversely the 6 Month Smiles system does all of the above, but because it has a wider range of movement, it can also successfully close tooth gaps or excess spacing.

Braces vs aligner speed

When it comes to treatment speed your smile dentist in Manchester will tell you that this depends heavily on the severity of each case. 6 Month Smiles treatment (as the name suggests) takes on average six months to complete. However final results can be seen in as little as four months or as many as nine months. The Inman Aligner on the other hand uses a push/pull system to gently move the teeth into position taking lesser time (usually between six weeks to four months till treatment completion). So when it comes to treatment speed the Inman Aligner has the edge.

So which is better?

As you can see, there are distinct advantages and disadvantages of both and choice depends on a number of factors including:

  • The type of dental problems you have
  • The speed in which you want treatment completed.
  • The visibility factor and
  • Whether you want your braces to be fixed or removable.

This being the case, it’s advisable to speak to your smile dentist Manchester who can help you find the right orthodontic treatment for you.

If you have overcrowded, crooked, uneven, or protruding teeth and would like to find out more about how 6 Month Smiles Manchester or an Inman Aligner Manchester can help you restore your smile, come and speak to Church Road Dental and Cosmetics. To book an appointment either visit our website at or contact us directly on 0161 660 1218 today. On behalf of Shi Karim and the team, we look forward to welcoming you.

Inman Aligner Before And After - Fast Orthodontics At Their Best

Inman Aligner Before And After – Fast Orthodontics At Their Best

If you’ve already seen the success stories of Inman Aligner before and after pictures you’re probably wondering if they’re the orthodontic treatment for you. At our smile Manchester clinic we sit down with each patient and discuss their needs and requirements in order to make sure that the treatment they have is the right tailored solution for them. From conventional brace systems to aligner style treatments such as Invisalign braces UK, we can help you make the right choice.

That said, one of the most popular forms of orthodontic treatments for adults is the Inman aligner and not without good reason. The aligner is known as a fast orthodontic treatment and is designed to straighten the upper and lower front teeth that are visible when you smile. They’re the ideal alternative to conventional ‘train track’ style braces and are known for producing great results quickly. So how do they work?

The aligner is a removable appliance consisting of a nickel titanium coil spring. This powers two aligner bows that sit at the back and the front of the teeth. Gently these two bows are forced in opposing directions which push and pull the teeth, guiding them into their new position. These forces are active over a large range of movements which is why the aligner works quickly. Unlike other modern orthodontic treatments such as Invisalign braces, UK practices who use the Inman aligner suggest that teeth can be corrected in as little as 6-18 weeks depending upon the severity of the problem. This is ideal for those people who have an impending event that they want to look their best for.

So what other advantages does the inman aligner have over other brace systems? Let’s take a closer look.

They’re discreet

If you’ve seen pictures of Inman Aligner before and after treatments you’ll notice that it can’t really be seen unless you look closely That’s because it’s similar in design to a sports mouth guard and made from a clear acrylic. This gives great comfort to those who are particularly self conscious about wearing adult braces.

They’re removable

Unlike other brace systems which are permanently fixed into position for the duration of the treatment, the Inman Aligner is completely and easily removable. In fact, for best practice our smile Manchester practice will suggest that the appliance is removed when eating or cleaning teeth. That said for optimum results it’s recommended that the appliance is worn for 16-20 hours per day.

Cost-effective solution

In terms of cost the Inman Aligner offers a quick fix solution meaning less clinical time is involved and in addition, unlike Invisalign braces UK, only one appliance is required from start to finish, reducing lab costs. These savings are reflected in the price.

To sum up

For the busy individual who is self conscious about wearing conventional style braces, and is looking to improve the aesthetics of their smile quickly, the Inman Aligner offers the perfect solution.

If you’d like to talk to us about restoring your great looking smile and would like to check out some examples of Inman Aligner before and after successes then come and talk to our smile Manchester clinic at Church Road Dental and Cosmetics. Here patients can have a no-obligation consultation with Shi Karim and the team where they can discuss their needs and requirements allowing them to make a fully informed dental decision. To book yours either visit our website at or contact us directly on 0161 660 1218 today.

What’s The Fastest Orthodontic Treatment And Does It Work?

If you have an improper bite or crooked teeth and are looking to restore your great looking smile, there are a wide range of orthodontic treatments that will help you do exactly this. From procedures such as Inman Aligner treatment and Invisalign, through to more conventional metallic braces, they all offer various ways of straightening a patient’s teeth. The issue is that many of these procedures can often take up to 2 years to complete. So what’s the fastest orthodontic treatment and more importantly, how reliable is it?

At our smile dental clinic, the good news is that for those who don’t want to necessarily wait years to get results, we’ve got it covered. We offer a variety of treatments known as accelerated orthodontics which, as the name suggests, achieves results fast. In some cases straighter teeth can be achieved in as little as 2-3 months, offering the perfect solution for adults who lead busy lives.

So what type of accelerated orthodontic treatments are available?

Surprisingly there are a wide number of options available. These include treatments such as C-Fast, Secret Smile, and Six Month Smiles and to a certain extent, Inman Aligner treatment which also falls into this category. Although they’re designed differently, they all carry out the same job and that is to straighten teeth fast.

So how do they achieve this?

In essence, most accelerated or fast orthodontic treatment concentrates their efforts on straightening the teeth that can be seen when you smile. Unlike conventional longer-term orthodontic treatments, they aren’t designed to deal with complex bite issues or underlying problems. Instead they’re ideal for those with minor teeth problems, or for those who would like an improved smile. At our smile dental clinic our experienced orthodontics team can help you achieve exactly that.

So what’s the fastest orthodontic treatment?

There isn’t really a simple answer to this as it all depends on the degree of straightening that needs to be carried out. For example, if a patient had a slightly crooked front tooth that needed straightening then treatment such as C-Fast or Six Month Smiles could probably solve the problem in a matter of weeks. However if a patient had several visible crooked teeth that may be causing a slight bite problem, then the dentist may recommend Inman Aligner treatment which can take six months or more to deliver the desired results. The reality is that the speed of the treatment depends heavily on the severity of the problem.

If you’re a busy adult and are looking to improve the aesthetics of your crooked smile then come and talk to us about accelerated or fast orthodontic treatment. Why not book yourself a free no-obligation consultation where Shi Karim and the team can help to to make an informed dental decision about whether or not fastest orthodontic treatment is the right for you. To book yours contact Church Road Dental and Cosmetics on 0161 660 1218 or book via our website at

Fast Orthodontic Treatment – Does It Really Work?

At our smiles dental Manchester clinic we help people restore their smile using a variety of orthodontic treatments. Before patients come to us, many are under the impression that they have to put up with metal style braces for lengthy periods of time to cure their problematic teeth. However those same patients are usually surprised when we tell them about fast orthodontic treatment. So what exactly is it and does it really work?

In essence speedy orthodontics are brace systems that are designed to work fast. Instead of taking 18-36 months to straighten crooked teeth like conventional braces would, they take anywhere between 2-6 months to achieve the desired results. What’s more, when it comes to cost, if you compare speedy treatments such as the Inman aligner, cost UK is on a par with other conventional brace systems. So surely it’s a win/win situation all round?  After all, the patient gets treated quicker and it doesn’t really cost them any more money right? Well – the answer to this is both yes and no.

Let me explain….

A fast orthodontic treatment is speedy for a reason. That’s because it usually straightens only the visible upper and lower teeth that can be seen when you smile. In other words it deals purely with the aesthetics.

Many people who visit our smiles dental Manchester clinic have mild to moderate tooth problems. These include unsightly crooked, gapped, or flared teeth. As a result they may only be concerned about how their smile can be improved and are not necessarily concerned with any underlying workings. This is completely understandable and as long as they’re happy with the end results, then that’s fine. In these cases speedy treatments such as C-fast, Inman Aligners, Six month Smiles, and Secret Smiles are ideal.

However, for those with more serious dental problems, or those that are concerned with correcting the whole mouth, including non-visible upper and lower back teeth, severe tooth crowding, and root misalignment, accelerated or quick brace systems won’t work in these cases.

Alternatively if a patient does need lengthy orthodontic treatment and discretion is an issue (eg, they don’t feel comfortable with a mouth full of metal) then they can opt for fixed clear brace systems such as lingual braces or removable aligner style systems such as Invisalign. Both of these treatments are designed to be incredibly discreet.

The bottom line is that there are a multitude of orthodontic treatments suitable for your dental condition, requirements, and/or budget. It maybe that a fast orthodontic treatment is ideal for you, or that an Inman aligner cost UK price, fits right in with your budget. Alternatively you might prefer a holistic corrective approach to your smile that will take longer but is better suited to your dental condition. In fact whatever your dental problem, pay a visit to our smile dental Manchester clinic and talk to our experienced team.

To book your free, no obligation consultation, contact us on 0161 660 1218 or visit our website at On behalf of the team at Church Road Dental and Cosmetics, we very much look forward to helping you restore your great looking smile.

Fast Orthodontic Treatment – What Is It And How Can It Help

Fast Orthodontic Treatment – What Is It And How Can It Help?

Recent advances in orthodontic technology now means that people who are unhappy with the overall aesthetics of their smile can opt for fast orthodontic treatment. So if you’ve seen Inman aligner before and after pictures, or other treatments such as C-Fast or Six Month Smiles on the internet, then these are all types of accelerated orthodontic procedures.

That’s all well and good, but bearing in mind that conventional brace systems can take anything up to 3 years to complete just how quick are they? Our Smiles Dental Manchester clinic explains…

Fast or accelerated brace systems have the ability to straighten teeth in a matter of weeks and months rather than years. However it does depend upon the severity of the case. As an example, a person with good teeth that suffers with mild overcrowding, may only need orthodontic treatment lasting 6-8 weeks. Conversely, a person suffering with moderate teeth overcrowding may need treatment lasting up to six months. Even so, this is still a far cry from the time taken for other brace systems to restore a patient’s smile.

So how do they work?

In essence fast orthodontic treatment is the name given to a variety of brace systems and aligner style braces, and treatments that may suit one person, mightn’t suit another. They all carry out the same task of applying sustained and gentle pressure to gradually move teeth back into position but they do it in different ways. For example the Inman aligner uses a discreet spring to push and pull teeth back into position, whereby others such as C-fast use more conventional bracket and wiring style systems to achieve their goals.

So why are they so fast?

If you look at Inman Aligner before and after pictures on the internet, for example, you’ll see some pretty amazing results in such a short space of time. This is because it’s designed specifically to concentrate its efforts on the upper and lower front teeth that are noticeable when you smile. So for someone who has mild to moderate tooth overcrowding and is concerned with the aesthetics of their smile, then accelerated orthodontic treatments are ideal. However because of the time scale there are some aspects that fast orthodontic treatments cannot fix such as;

  • The straightening of tooth roots
  • Severe tooth overcrowding and
  • Issues with upper and lower back teeth

For these reasons our Smiles Dental Manchester clinic would suggest that fast orthodontic treatment isn’t for everyone.

So who can it help?

It’s perfect for those people who generally have good teeth but are looking to get the best out of their smile. For example, it may be because they have a special day coming up such as a wedding,  a date, or an interview, and understandably want to look their best. Alternatively, it maybe because they’re simply looking enhance the look of their smile to restore some much needed confidence Either way, accelerated adult orthodontic treatment can help to achieve the smile they crave.

If you’d like to talk to us about fast orthodontic treatment then contact Church Road Dental and Cosmetics on 0161 660 1218 to book a free appointment. Alternatively if you’d like to take a closer look at Inman aligner before and after results to see just how much your smile can be transformed, or would like to find further information, then visit our website at

Inman Aligner Cost UK

What Does An Inman Aligner Cost UK Patients?

Want to know what an Inman Aligner cost UK patients? The answer might not be as expensive as you think, especially if you look at it as a long-term investment.

At our smile dentist Manchester, the price of an Inman aligner varies between £2000 and £2700 depending upon the severity of the treatment. Now that may sound quite a lot of money, but when you consider that you get discreet orthodontic Manchester treatment without the pain of wearing childhood train tracks, it may seem a small price to pay for many people. But that’s not all….

The Inman aligner treats crooked teeth fast. In actual fact the simplified fitting which sits across the teeth can straighten most teeth within 3 months – give or take. That’s a far cry from the metallic train track style braces many children endured for 1-2 years or more. As a result it’s opened up the world of orthodontic possibilities to people who would otherwise never have had anything done. So with the Inman aligner it is possible to achieve a great looking smile for that ever looming special day or event.

So how does a smile dentist in Manchester fit the Inman aligner?

First of all the dentist will assess your teeth and take impressions. This is so that the brace system can be made specifically to fit your teeth, and usually takes around two weeks. Once the aligner is fitted it works by applying gentle sustained pressure to gradually move the teeth back into position using a spring. This is slightly different from the metallic style brace system that only moves teeth in the days immediately after the dentist has tightened the brace.

What about when the treatment is completed?

Once the orthodontic Manchester treatment is complete and your teeth are straighter they will still need a little help staying put. Therefore a further impression of your now straight teeth is made and a second brace is fashioned. This must be worn at night times only for around 6 weeks. In addition the dentist will need to fit a small permanent piece of wiring behind the teeth so that they don’t start to wander once again. This is known as a retainer.

So to sum up …

An Inman Aligner cost UK patients somewhere between £2000-£2700 depending upon where you go. It’s ideal for those people who generally have good teeth but are also concerned with the aesthetics of their smile. It’s completely discreet, which means that it opens up a world of possibilities for those who may have felt too embarrassed or self conscious to undergo such treatment previously. So for this reason alone the Inman aligner can be considered a good investment for your long term dental health and overall happiness.

If you’re not happy with your smile and are looking for a smile dentist Manchester who can help then look no further than Church Road Dental and Cosmetics. Shi Karim and his team of highly experienced orthodontists will help you get the smile you want using fast-brace treatments that suit both your needs and your lifestyle.

To find out more, either visit our website at or contact us directly on 0161 660 1218 and start the ball rolling towards restoring your great looking smile today.